Old age is awaiting for all of us! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Old age is awaiting for all of us!

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April 3, 2017
nobody is protected against terrible strikes of destiny and loneliness when old. Who knows, we might need help of strangers at times.
Charity number:
$ 77.61
( 31 Donors )
Project completed!

People dream of growing old surrounded by their families, in their cozy houses, nevertheless, unfortunately, nobody is protected against terrible strikes of destiny and loneliness when old. Who knows, we might need help of strangers at times.

Beneficiary of our Foundation – Gulemdjan Bokeria has lived honored life, working since young in order to maintain family and grow old at their own house. However, because of disease of the husband, she had to sell everything they had earned during many years. The husband could not be saved. When talking about children, Gulemdjan cannot help crying, as their destinies also failed. The poor woman was left alone, without shelter, therefore started moving from one rented flat to another, and so on… 

Permanent worries and desperation destroyed her to the end. Because of her infinite grief Gulemdjan got sick, she has no energy and desire to fight against them. Now she practically cannot get up of her bed, suffering from trophic ulcer, edemas and permanent terrible pain in her joints.

Nurses of our Foundation do everything they can in order to alleviate pin to that poor woman. They treat her injuries on the legs, making bandages, helping Gulemdjan with hygienic procedures. Indeed, for many lonely and poor our Foundation is the only rescue, the only chance to survive.

Pension, which that poor woman gets, is not enough even for the most necessary things: medicines and products.

Chernovetsky Charity Foundation launches action for support of Gulemdjan Bokeria. We refer to all of you to help that poor lonely sick woman. Let us show her that kind people are around, who can replace beloved ones, and give her at least tiny part of their attention and warmth!

Old sick lady badly needs medications, food and hygienic means. If you can help Gulemdjan, transfer money to the accounts of the Foundation GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Gulemdjan Bokeria) or pay directly at our website.


We have already helped many people, changed their lives to the good, so let us support this poor woman too.

In semi-dark house, trapped in four walls all days long poor Gulemdjan is laying alone not moving.

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