Список поддержавших проект "Despite that life had no mercy for her, she was not angry with God, nor with life, nor with people." - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

"Despite that life had no mercy for her, she was not angry with God, nor with life, nor with people."

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July 16, 2019
The first thing we saw when we entered the house was incredible poverty and abandonment.
Charity number:
$ 717.57
( 196 Donors )
Project completed!
თამთა ჩაჩუა
year ago
$ 1.87
მარინე მამულია
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$ 3.74
ცინცაძე სალომე
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$ 3.74
ნინო თვაური
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$ 3.74
ანა მეხრიშვილი
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$ 11.22
ჩინჩალაძე თამარი
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$ 0.75

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