Endless grief ... - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Endless grief ...

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January 20, 2020
Accompanied by the heroine of the story, a young woman and mother of two beautiful children 24-year-old Tatia from early childhood.
Charity number:
$ 544.41
( 130 Donors )
Project completed!

Endless grief has been accompanying the heroine of our story, a young woman and mother of two beautiful children, 24-year-old Tatia, since early childhood. And there is no end to her suffering. She was just a baby when her father died, and he loved her more than anything. Her mother lost her mind from grief, stopped eating and feeding her children. And soon she was taken to a madhouse for good. The hungry and sick babies were taken by their grandmother. But she, too, soon fell ill and never recovered from illness and grief.

The good old woman, – Tatia crosses herself and weeps, – had some food at home, but soon the children ate it and began to eat grass, until they were transferred to an orphanage.

Tatia: God forbid your readers' children get into these horrible places. I'd rather starve to death than endure all the abuse that was done to children by the cruel and callous teachers. I will die, but I will never let my children go there... – And then she wept bitterly. And then she warned the operator, looking into his eyes: – If I say too much, please stop me. Or I'll upset your readers. After all, people have so many problems of their own.

While Tatia was talking, we looked around... It was a dilapidated house, but not a speck of dust.

What a young, sick woman, and one of her babies is very ill. She has no money at all, and still her house is so clean. And the kids are clean…

– No, no, not at all, Tatia! Speak out, it will be easier! But if it's so hard for you to answer our questions, we can change the subject.

Tatia: No, if we started let's continue... I just need to drink some water... Then my sister and I left the orphanage. She got married. I lived with her, or with people I knew, but you know, no one needs extra mouth at home. I understand that. So when I was 18 I went to live alone in the destroyed house of my grandmother. I cleaned the ruins, put things in order... And for the first time in my life, "the sun appeared in the sky". You know, there was happiness in my life! But so little! But it was!!! I finally met my love! We started living together. We got married. Everything started going well for us. Then we learned the most beautiful news – I was expecting twins. My husband was over the moon! He was so kind to me! He wanted to be a father so much! You should have seen his face. It lit up my life like a hundred suns at once! After all, no one ever cared about me... And he loved me so much! There are no words to describe it. Oh, my God, why did he go to Heaven?! Why did you take him away? – And Tatia becan to cry bitterly. And we waited until she calmed down, because we saw that she wanted to talk, bit had nobody to discuss it with! It is very difficult to calm a person in such moments... What could we tell her? That everything will be fine? Do we really understand how hard it is for her? It's hard to find the right words…

Tatia: The pregnancy was going well. I was so happy that sometimes this happiness scared me... I thought that after going through the suffering I deserved such a fairy tale. On August 12, Mariam and George were born... Mariam was healthy and the boy was found to have a herniated spine... Еhey said that he would be disabled! They said that he would not be able to walk, that he could be mentally retarded... Well, in short, they didn't tell us anything good. My husband could not bear such a blow. So he hanged himself!!! God forgive his sinful soul... How did I miss my happiness???!!!

And again she started crying for a long time…

– Calm down, calm down, girl. You're a mother. We can't even believe that one person can survive this! Tatia, you are just the strongest person on Earth! You're a heroine! Not everyone can endure this and remain a good and caring mother!

Tatia: What should I do? I don't want my children to go my way! I don't want them to know what it's like to live in an orphanage! I must be strong for them! They are the only close people I have, and I am the only support for them!

– What is your biggest problem at the moment?

Tatia: It's hard to be alone... When I take Marie to kindergarten, Georgiy has to stay alone... He cries and asks, "mom, can the neighbor aunt Nina be at home, call her, I'm afraid to stay alone..." But what does it feel like to disturb someone every day? I don't even have a TV to distract him while I'm away.

– And can't you take Georgiy with you outside?

Tatia: Oh, unfortunately not. We don't have a wheelchair or a stroller... And we don't have warm clothes…

– For example, what do your children eat? What is their daily diet?

Tatia: What God gives, they eat... I don't know. Here is bread, here's onion... I can cook onion soup, or ask the neighbors to give me 50 grams of noodles. They give us when they have…

– This is your grandmother's ancestral home, right?

Tatia: The house is very old, I'm afraid that one day it will collapse like my life! But this will not happen!

– Perhaps, only faith in God keeps you up. Mariam: I ask the Lord for happiness for my children, so that they do not starve, so that they have a roof over their heads and health. When I go to bed I ask God only for one thing, to help me feed my children.

– What is your most cherished dream?

Tatia: I now only dream about the health of my children! If they get sick, I can't buy them medicines. I want to get through these hard times. I believe that the Lord will not leave us!

– You said that you don't have a stroller and a TV, we will definitely give you this. And do you have any dreams?

Tatia: I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I've had this feeling atrophied since childhood... I don't know how to dream... or maybe I can... but there's no time for it... no one has ever asked me about it. No one taught me that. I do not know how it is – when you are given gifts... Here for the New year, the children had one candy for two and they were happy about it! I can also enjoy everything! I really need diapers, medications for Georgiy and food. Probably I also need a refrigerator to store it. Since I don't have any food, there is no need for a refrigerator... A stroller, a TV... Something delicious for the children... Maybe even toys. I don't want anything for myself…


Friends, as you can see, Chitinashvili large family is in extreme need. They need food, medicines, domestic appliances, children clothes and toys, household equipment, furniture and hygiene products.

Let's support them, show mercy, they will be happy to receive any gift! Any sign of attention for this unfortunate woman will be more expensive than any expensive gift!

Call Tatia, find out about her needs, cheer her up, support her, tell her that she is not alone and that nobody will leave them alone in their trouble! It is very important. This is their address: Mzkheti Region, the village of Ksani. Tel.: 571 42 96 69

Dear friends, Chernovetskyi Fund initiates a charitable action: to help the Makarashvili. As you know, the Fund does not stop at one-time assistance. Without children, the country and people have no future. Take care of the younger generation! Help them survive! "Write them down" as your relatives. And we are sure that the Lord himself will bless you. And be sure to repost our publication. Let all your friends know about the grief of this family! It is very important. God gives us the opportunity to take care of people who are not able to do it themselves. Not all people are the same. And not everyone is as kind as we are. Please, do not pass aside the sorrow of others! Unhappy people are given to us from above so that we can prove our faith to the Almighty not in words but in deeds! Friends, there is one more request, if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend, do a Charitable deed, write to us by e-mail: office-fsp@fsp.ge. Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Makarashvili family). You can also transfer money from our website.

You can as well transfer money from the terminals of Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in "Charity" section. (You can learn about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link https://goo.gl/GY2Gus).

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