I have never been so happy! - News - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

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I have never been so happy!

year ago
Charity in Georgia
 Our benefactors, friends, and partners of the Foundation provide assistance to beneficiaries not only with money, but there are also many who help with things. People bring clothes, shoes, basic necessities to the Day Center. They do this not in order to become famous, but from the bottom of their hearts, sincerely worrying about everyone to whom fate was not benevolent. Not surprisingly, most of them want to remain incognito. But we would like not only to thank them for their compassion but also to tell about each, at least without revealing the full name, because these stories really inspire.   Anna B. learned about the work of the Chernovetsky Foundation thanks to our page on the social network Facebook. The story about the work of the Day Center impressed a young woman. The next day she brought a bunch of things for adults and children, as well as toys. So we met one of our regular benefactors. Anna B. has two sons, 10 and 7 years old, she gave all the things from which her children have grown up to a single mother in our Day Care Center. At the same time, Anna found out that the four-year-old son of our beneficiary Beck still cannot speak. His young mother has long lost all hope to somehow cope with the problem of speech in her baby. But sometimes fate presents unexpected gifts! It turned out that Anna B. is a speech therapist with extensive work experience. A kind-hearted woman could not stay away. Despite her workload, she did not hesitate, she decided to help the child. Indeed, in the propagation of good and mercy, any help is important, and not only monetary. The speech therapist began to come to the Day Center twice a week. Anna B. worked with the boy for three hours with breaks for rest and gave the child a full three-month course of speech therapy classes - special sound and word games, massage, gymnastics. Friends, what happened at the end of the treatment course was like a miracle! Mom boy crying with happiness! The child first clearly said his first words! Tears appeared in Anna's eyes, so much, she was not worried about anyone yet. - I believed in my strength and knowledge, but the case of Becky was quite complicated. Fortunately, he has no mental retardation. But the boy’s speech apparatus was not sufficiently developed, and he lacked closer communication. You need to talk a lot with the child, read books to him. Today I am happy as I have never been in my entire career! Anna B. and Beck for three months are very attached to each other. Our philanthropist was not able to part with the family completely. Anna often comes to the Day Center, visits the boy, plays and sometimes conducts additional classes, she introduced the child and her sons. Friends, such amazing stories are a part of our daily life! It is these miracles, created by kindness and compassion, that make us happier and give strength to continue the good work! You can also join us and make this world even a little fairer!

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