Список поддержавших проект They will bury my grandson with me on the same day - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

They will bury my grandson with me on the same day

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March 17, 2023
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"If I die today, my grandson will die tomorrow, or maybe he will be buried alive with me, because nobody wants him but me! Nobody wants him... his mother left him, and his father left him. They left their sick child and found happiness elsewhere" - says Malardo and hides her eyes. She is ashamed for Soso’s mother and the father. Who needs a sick man? And they are still young, they can give birth to new and healthy children!
Charity number:
$ 2,546.14
( 555 Donors )
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This family needs clothes the most. Clothe them, and your soul will be enveloped with God's blessings!
ოზბეგაშვილი შოთა
3 months ago
$ 3.74
ლევანიშვილი ლევან
3 months ago
$ 1.12
'ბექა მარტყოფლიშვილი
8 months ago
$ 3.74
ერისთავი გვანცა
8 months ago
$ 1.87
'გიორგი თურმანიძე
9 months ago
$ 3.74
'ნინო ჩუმაშვილი
10 months ago
$ 11.23
#Ill adults

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