Список поддержавших проект Diapers, money for food, and prayers – that's what a mother of two sick children is asking from us. She can't leave one child to visit the other in the hospital. - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Diapers, money for food, and prayers – that's what a mother of two sick children is asking from us. She can't leave one child to visit the other in the hospital.

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April 13, 2023
If you want to curse a man, just tell him: "I wish your children were sick. And that's it - he'll be the most miserable person on the planet. "I don't know how I find the strength to live, how I manage not to go crazy.” I think God gives strength to mothers who have sick children. I have two sons and both are sick. Gabriel, 5, and Lasha-Giorgi, 18-month-old. Gabriel has cerebral palsy - he can't move or do anything on his own. Every month we lie in the hospital or in a rehabilitation center, and Lasha-Giorgi, a martyr, has been in an intensive care unit since birth, hooked up to machines. I haven't even taken him in my arms, haven't hugged him. He probably thinks he doesn't have a mother."
Charity number:
$ 15,482.35
( 3,413 Donors )
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This family needs clothes the most. Clothe them, and your soul will be enveloped with God's blessings!
დავითი პაკაცოშვილი
2 months ago
$ 7.43
ფრიდონ ბეგიაშვილი
2 months ago
$ 1.86
ჭანტურია ზურაბი
3 months ago
$ 1.11
ჩხობაძე გრიგოლი
3 months ago
$ 18.58
მუმლაძე ნინო
4 months ago
$ 0.74
ნაჭყებია დიმა
4 months ago
$ 1.86

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