Project reports I will always carry him in my arms, but please, don't let my son die without medications! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I will always carry him in my arms, but please, don't let my son die without medications!

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May 18, 2022
Lado was two years old when he first said "mom!" Nino has been waiting for twenty-three years to hear that word again. But Lado's condition is getting worse every day... "Lado, call me: “Mommy”. My son, my boy! I'm praying for this day and night! - Nino says to her 25-year-old son, who sits on her knees, and she caresses him like a baby. - I pray to God that his condition improves at least a little bit, so that he can move, pronounce some words, but ... We roll back. How can we deal with this insidious disease called cerebral palsy with the meager capabilities and means we have?
Charity number:
$ 1,431.4
( 234 Donors )
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This family needs clothes the most. Clothe them, and your soul will be enveloped with God's blessings!
#Ill adults

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