Zaira Gabadze, 76 years old. - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Zaira Gabadze, 76 years old.

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January 9, 2018
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This lonely woman lives in a single tiny room in horrible conditions. But she is not such a person to start weeping or get depressed.
Charity number:
$ 73.58
( 7 Donors )
Project completed!

Our beneficiary, 76-year old Zaira Gabadze, has never lost optimism in her life. This wonderful trait helped her to survive... In childhood she fell ill with a serious form of asthma, and subsequently it had a very negative impact on her health. Several years ago Zaira had an ischemic stroke, and as a result her lower limbs were paralyzed, and she could never regain her feet again.

Zaira Gabadze is a deeply unhappy and lonely person, with no close people left.

This lonely woman lives in a single tiny room in horrible conditions. But she is not such a person to start weeping or get depressed. She believes that sooner or later there will be a benefactor who will replace all those who she loved but who are no longer with her. Zaira is alone and she cannot resolve her every day problems... As there is nobody to prepare food and wash clothes, and she has to do all this without getting up from bed.