Dreams that will come true - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Dreams that will come true

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January 31, 2018
We can give them happiness!
Charity number:
$ 18.71
( 3 Donors )
Project completed!
Dear brothers and sisters! We initiate fund raising for Birthday
presents of foster children of the Small Family-type Home in
Kobuleti and Batumi.
We urge all of you to participate as much as you can!
You can as well independently purchase:
Tabletop hockey, toy cars (for children 5-8 years old)
development games, LEGO (large pieces), stuffed toys, earphones,
3D construction toys.
An obligatory requirement is that all toys must be new!
For details please call 2 19 33 21.
Let us give joy to children!