A large family is on the brink of death ... - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

A large family is on the brink of death ...

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March 19, 2018
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Well look at these children's faces and think - a large family: a test or happiness?
Charity number:
$ 237.09
( 35 Donors )
Project completed!
"Is it anything to compare with the feeling of happiness that occurs when you are hugged at once by 6 pairs of loving children's hands? And the first toothless smile and the first confessions: "I love you, Mom?" - this is happiness, "says Tamara Tamaraashvili, 27, who after the birth of her sixth child, the doctors strongly recommended bed rest.
Sixth baby Tamara gave birth to a premature baby. And the birth of an infant was accompanied by a deterioration in the health of the mother - she had to do an emergency strip surgery to remove the gallbladder. Now she and her newborn child need 24-hour care, and other young children also need close attention. The father took the burden on his shoulders. He feeds his wife, bathes children and takes care of them.
Tamara and her husband Arthur got married 6 years ago. Arthur was the only child in the family and dreamed of creating a large family. Young parents piously believe that "many children are inexhaustible joy and the more children in the country will be born, the better for our Motherland!"
These enthusiastic people are in dire need of children's clothing, food, medicine, hygienic supplies, baby food. A miserable social benefit is enough for them only for bread and cereals ... But the child needs a healthy and high-quality food!
Well look at these children's faces and think - a large family: a test or happiness? Of course, happiness, moreover, a huge, and despite life's vicissitudes, inexhaustible children's laughter in the house - perhaps the most important testimony of Life!
Friends, let's not leave these wonderful babies without our attention, let's make them happy and ease the family's hard everyday lives. In the conditions of today's life, having many children is a real feat!
If you have the opportunity, you can transfer funds to help this distressed family to the account of our Fund GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (Purpose: Karapetyan Family). You can also transfer money directly through the website of our Foundation https://chernovetskyifund.ge/ru/projects/.
 You can also donate money through the fast payment terminals NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Go to the "Charity" section and select our Fund. (You can find the payment methods at https://goo.gl/GY2Gus.
Whatever happens in our world, there will always remain eternal values: Mercy, Compassion and Love!

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