Whether this girl will be happy – the Lord entrusted it to us to decide...! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Whether this girl will be happy – the Lord entrusted it to us to decide...!

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March 4, 2020
The girl is not a guy. And the face for the future mother and wife is almost the most important thing in life!
Charity number:
$ 2,152.08
( 363 Donors )
Project completed!

A girl is not a guy. And the face for the future mother and wife is almost the most important thing in life!
Today little Marite does not yet understand that a girl is not a guy and external beauty is the key to a happy future: wedding for love, lots of children and joy when you look at yourself in the mirror. The little angel is only 4. But she has suffered so much during her "little life". She was only 7 months old when her parents noticed that something was wrong with the girl's eye. Doctors said that the child has a drooping eyelid, and if they did not do the operation in time, the baby may go blind. The disease progressed rapidly. But timely treatment and expensive surgery would save Marita's vision.
God, thank you that the operation will solve all the problems and the baby does not yet understand what kind of trouble she is in! What the future holds for her?
Now it is important that help comes in time. But the operation costs a lot of money. And the family is not rich. The father is a military man and serves the Motherland...

– Nino, tell us about Marita.
Nino: Marita is a special child, she is a very talented, smart and cheerful girl. She is very loving, and wants to play with children all the time. But she can't. If God forbid she will damage the eye, we can say goodbye to her vision... She really wants to go to kindergarten, but we cannot. So she communicates with her dolls. One is called Olya, the other Natalia, the third Veriko... She puts them at the table and teaches them to read and write. Then he talks to them... but to be honest, we have a very difficult life. Today, she needs surgery on her eyelid to keep her from going blind. She can't open her eye, and sometimes we tape her eye... it's hard to look at... (crying)
 – Nino, is Marita worried? Does she understand the gravity of her situation?
Nino: She's so sweet...my poor girl! Already asking questions that I find difficult to answer without tears. She asks why people look at her, why children point at her. We need to have an operation very urgently so that she can go to school safely and not be shy of herself... So that she doesn't become a laughing stock, you know how cruel children are?
– Nino, how do you earn your living? Does anyone help you?
Nino: My husband is a military man who works at the Department of Emergency Situations. His work is not easy, but for his daughter, he tries his best. 
– Nino, can you tell us what we can do to please the child while she waits for the operation?
Nino: She loves to draw funny faces, and draws her friends! She would be very happy with soft toys, beautiful dresses. 
– Can we talk to Marita?
Nino: Yes, but please don't tell her about the operation. She doesn't know yet. If we don't raise the money and can't do it, she'll be worried.
– Marita, dear, tell us about your friends, you do not let this doll out of your hands, do you love it very much?
Marita (4 years old): This Olya, she's my friend. I love her so much! My dad gave it to me. He said that he met her in the street, she was sitting alone and crying, he told her "I have a daughter, beautiful Marita, I will take you to her and she will be your mother" and since then Olenka does not cry but only laughs.
 – What do you dream of?
Marita: I dream of going to kindergarten, to school, going for a walk, to children's birthdays. My mother says I can't do it yet, but then I will be able to. So I and Olenka are waiting for it, that soon and we will have fun as other children! Oh, I almost forgot... I'm also not allowed to watch cartoons. My mother says I can't do it yet, but then I will be able to. I don't understand...
– Nino, how did you meet your husband? What kind of person is he?
Nino: We met at the Institute, after graduation, we realized that we could not live without each other, and got married. David is a good father and a good husband. Very discreet. He does not say sweet words, but he proves that the family is the main Shrine for him!
– Nino, what do you need and what would you like to tell our readers?
Nino: First of all, I would like to wish everyone who reads these lines, let their children never get sick! I find it very difficult to ask for anything! But it's not for myself: I invited you because of my daughter! You can see for yourself... because of her illness, my husband and I find it very difficult to look at our little Princess, who asks with her eyes to go into the yard to run and laugh. The hardest thing for a parent is to see his child's suffering and having no possibility to help!

– Nino, can you tell us what we can do to please the child while she waits for the operation?
Nino: She loves to draw funny faces, and draws her friends! She would be very happy with soft toys, beautiful dresses.
But that's not the most important thing. I'm already ashamed...the child's eye...this is the main thing I pray to God for day and night. "God, thank you for giving me the best baby in the World! I only ask that she be healthy and that I always see happiness in her eyes! Have mercy on your angel…!"
Chernovetskyi Fund initiates a charitable action: to help the Marita Aptsiauri. She urgently needs surgery.
Call Nino, find out about their needs, encourage and support them, and tell them that everything will be fine.
You can personally know this charming princess, provide assistance to this family, and God will bless you. And reward you! 595 07 48 42 Address: Aspindza, the village has Idumala.
And be sure to repost our publication. Let all your friends know about the grief of this family! It is very important.
God gives us the opportunity to take care of people who are not able to do it themselves. Not all people are the same. And not everyone is as kind as we are. Please, do not pass aside the sorrow of others! Unhappy people are given to us from above so that we can prove our faith to the Almighty not in words but in deeds!
Friends, there is one more request, if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend, do a Charitable deed, write to us by e-mail:  office-fsp@fsp.ge.
Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Marita Aptsiauri). You can also transfer money from our website. You can as well transfer money from the terminals of Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in "Charity" section. (You can learn about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link https://goo.gl/GY2Gus).
Dear friends, let us show compassion and lend a helping hand to the little Marita. Let us do everything so that she lives a joyful life, just as a true Georgian princess should!

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