“Egi” - means “mother, I love you”! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

“Egi” - means “mother, I love you”!

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April 17, 2020
when he cries, it’s so scary for me that I’m closing my ears
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$ 950.68
( 200 Donors )
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This family needs clothes the most. Clothe them, and your soul will be enveloped with God's blessings!

"Aegis, aegis ... aegis" He calls everything that, but his mother is special, affectionate, as if he wants to say that he loves. But she calls me like that, and when she wants to eat, she also says that. But when he cries, it’s so scary for me that I’m closing my ears, “Jaba, the serious, out of years, younger brother of Jaba, explained to me,“ And you know, aunt, I always guess what he wants! “

The illness of the baby, terrible poverty, a complete lack of any amenities and hunger. All this catches your eye as soon as you cross the threshold of their home. Whether they survive, in this difficult time for all mankind, depends only on the Lord God, and on our kindness, friends!

“We were waiting for a healthy son, and I could not imagine that everything would turn out that way. “- tells us the mother of the boy, Nana. At 11 years old, he does not walk, does not talk, can sit on his own. And when he gets out of bed and begins to crawl on this concrete floor, my heart is boiling over with boiling water ... this sight is not for the faint of heart ...

There are five people in the family: mother - Nana, father - Michael, and their three wonderful sons: Jaba - 11 years old, Saba - 7 years old and George. Despite everything, the family feels love and warmth, they all love and care about each other.

“Nana, please tell us about your son, Jaba.”

Nana: My oldest son has been sick since birth. I guess I'm guilty of this ... I had a difficult birth. I found myself on the edge between life and death. I even thought I'd rather die, but let my son live! At first, Jaba had no signs of illness, and the doctors didn’t tell us anything like that. They only said that there was a cyst in the head, and we were treated. I rejoiced, saved, and thank God! But at the age of 3 months, the child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. From this moment, our life has turned into hell. How many doctors we went around, how many sufferings. My boy never talked, never walked, only creeps. His only word, “Aegi,” that means everything, so he calls me, names objects and makes it clear that he needs something, very rarely says his mother. They could not help us in Georgia. A good doctor, Gia Natroshvili advised me to go to Turkey for treatment. Maybe then Jaba will be able to walk.

- What is the most difficult thing in raising a sick child?

Nana: Yes, it's complicated, Jaba is completely helpless. I feed him from a spoon, change his diapers. It’s hard to accept that your son will never live a full life. I learned to understand his language, but the worst part is that I can’t help him in any way.

- What advice do you want to give to your mothers, in the same terrible situation as you?

Nana: Patience, patience, and again patience! I sincerely wish all mothers that their children be healthy, this is the greatest happiness in life!

- Nana, what is the main problem of your family

Nana: You yourself see the state of my son, because care for such a patient requires a lot of money, good nutrition, hygiene products, and we interrupt from bread to water and live on bare concrete. I dream of taking Jaba to Turkey, they promised me that the treatment will certainly give a result and will greatly facilitate his situation.

 - Tell us how you met your husband, how did you create a family?

Nana: Ohhh, do you remember the movie Hanuma? About bringing together. In general, all my relatives decided that it was time for me to get married, although I was only 24 years old. Me and Mikhail are from neighboring villages, he is of their Theleta, I am from Salominao. A neighbor brought us together. And know, that was fate. We immediately decided to get married. We have been living soul to soul for 12 years already; it helps me a lot in caring for my son. What is it? Love at first sight? Probably. I never believed in the well-being of “rigged” marriages, and now it’s funny for me to remember this.

- Who supports you, without support, you probably would not have managed?

Nana: You know, we are all alone ... My mother-in-law, Maya, lives far away and herself needs help. And my mother, Manana and brother George, are themselves in poverty. But mom still manages to help me with products, she will send cheese, or something else, I’m so grateful to her, because they are already old, and we must help our mothers. I lost my father a long time ago, and my father-in-law died last fall.

- What were your dreams when you started a family? Have you ever thought that such a disaster could happen to you?

Nana: Like everyone, we dreamed of a big and friendly family. We were young, full of strength and hope. They thought to go around the whole world, earn money, build a large and beautiful house. But fate decreed otherwise. You know, when Jabe, my first-born, was given a difficult diagnosis, my earth left under my feet, my desire to live on disappeared. I did not want more children, focused on the illness of my boy. But my husband told me: we must live on, for the sake of my son. He so supports me. Then we decided that Jaba should not grow alone. And I bore him two younger brothers. They will grow and take care of him.

- Does the state somehow support you? Did you ask the local authorities for help?

Nana: The village is poor, it is difficult to work, many are poor. Local authorities help us as they can. Last year, here, we fixed the roof, which was leaking. I am grateful to them.

“What do you believe in?” What do you see salvation? Do you believe in God?

Nana: We are very religious people. We go to the temple and fast, boys often receive communion. Yesterday I couldn’t get into the temple, the entrance is limited due to the coronavirus.

- Do you believe in the kindness of strangers?

Nana: Of course I believe. The neighbors are trying to help with the products. And yet, I would especially like to thank the wonderful woman, our distant relative, Keti Kodiashvili. She helped us a lot, brought a refrigerator, a washing machine, a gas water heater to heat water. If it weren’t for her, I don’t know what would be with us. You see the conditions in which we live. It was she who wrote to your foundation. Golden woman!

- Is the house you live in now yours?

Nana: if it can be called a house, then it is ours. Three rooms are suitable for housing. Well, how suitable, the windows must be inserted, the wind is walking, and on the floor we have concrete, you see, we have nothing. Even the closet, we sleep on old iron beds, was inherited from my grandmother.

- Tell us about the children, do they go to school?

Nana: Saba is in first grade. Do not think that I say so, because it is my son. He is comprehensively gifted, draws well, sings, dances and always with pleasure participated in children's concerts, both in school and in kindergarten. Little George, you won’t believe me, is so sociable and funny, I think a talented actor will grow out of him. (laughs) You know, George loves his older brother so much. I tell him the truth, and I think he understands everything. I have been teaching him from birth that he should take care of Jaba, as about himself, to share with him. He does so, if the neighbors treat him with candy, he brings it to his brother.

- And now I’ll talk with the children. Kids, talk to you, can I? How are you? What games do you like to play? How do you help mom and dad? What are you dreaming about?

Saba (7 years): I'm fine. I am in first grade, only here are the holidays, but I'm bored at home. I have one beautiful girl, Nana, studying at school. And I really miss her. She is the smartest and she has long blonde hair and blue eyes! I love to play ball with George. But Jaba can’t play with us, he’s sick. I caress him, try to play with him, but he cries, often. When I grow up, I will be a builder, I will build huge houses, like in a movie. And for Nana I’ll also build a house, and if she lets me in together, we will live there! I so dream of a two-wheeled high-speed bike, a neighbor boy gave me a ride. Class! Can I still say? Do you know what I love? cake! It is tasty!

George (3.5 years): Aunt I want a gun, great! Do you know how brilliant and beautiful it is? I saw in the store, but my mother did not have money. She said, then she’ll buy it. And when, then?

- And mom reads you fairy tales?

George (3.5 years): Yeah, about the "maiden" who does not give the village water and in this fairy tale there is a giant George who saves the whole village and saves all the princesses!

 - What are you well done! Nana, let's continue our conversation. What is your family income? What is he enough for?

Nana: We receive a social allowance of 310 GEL, a child’s disability allowance of 220 GEL and we are also given products for Jaba worth 90 GEL. I can’t leave my son alone, and my husband takes up any temporary part-time jobs, since it’s impossible to find a permanent job in our village, now, all the more.

- What is your biggest dream?

Nana: My biggest dream is to see my Jaba coming, myself. At least a few steps. That would be the greatest happiness of life for me. Help me, I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life, I will pray for God to you. The Lord bless you for helping my boy. And you will be happy all your life. - and then tears come to my eyes.

- We have nothing, you see the state of our home. There is no furniture, no household items, not even a floor in the house! It is very difficult for us to buy even food and medicine.

- How did you find our Fund? Why did you decide to contact us?

Nana: From hopelessness, believe me, if it were not for extreme need, I would never have bothered anyone. You have helped so many families, you instill faith in the future in the hearts of people.

- Want to meet friends of the Fund? Find new friends?

Nana: We will be happy with all our hearts, this is just salvation for us.


Friends, as you see, the large Tavadze family lives in extreme need. They need food, diapers, household appliances, furniture!

Let us support them, show mercy, Jabe, independently take at least a few steps, and his brothers should develop normally and have a happy childhood. You can personally visit this family and provide assistance. Children, believe us, will be happy! Call Nana, learn about the needs of the family, cheer and support, say that she is not alone and that we will not leave them in trouble! It is very important!

Here is their address: Van district, Pereta village. tel .: 557710356

Friends, the Chernovetsky Charity Foundation begins an action: to help the Tavadze family. As you know, the Fund does not stop with one-time assistance. Without children, the country and the people have no future. Take care of the younger generation! Help them survive! "Write ite them to your relatives. And we are sure that the Lord Himself will bless you.

And be sure to CEREAL our post. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It is very important!

God gives us the opportunity to take care of people who are not able to do it themselves. Not all people are the same. And not everyone is kind, as we are with you. Do not pass by someone else's misfortune! Unhappy people are given to us from above, so that we can prove our faith to the Almighty not in words but in deeds!

Friends, there is one more request, if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or acquaintance, do a charitable deed, write to us by e-mail: office-fsp@fsp.ge

Account of our Foundation GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000, GE64BG0000000470458000 (appointment: Tavadze family). You can also transfer money from our site.

You can transfer money also from the OPRA, TBCpay, ExpressPay terminals. In the charity section, find our Fund. (Additional rights and obligations of the Fund can be found at https://goo.gl/GY2Gus)

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This family needs clothes the most. Clothe them, and your soul will be enveloped with God's blessings!
Our Fund’s accounts:
In Bank of Georgia
In TBC Bank
In Liberty Bank

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