I am broken! But these angels are all what I have. - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I am broken! But these angels are all what I have.

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August 24, 2020
6-year-old little Amiko greeted us with the words: “Mom is in pain, she is in pain all the time. She cries and thinks, I can't see. But I see everything, and quickly bring her pills.
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$ 857.85
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This family needs clothes the most. Clothe them, and your soul will be enveloped with God's blessings!

6-year-old little Amiko greeted us with the words: “Mom is in pain, she is in pain all the time. She cries and thinks, I can't see. But I see everything, and quickly bring her pills. 

You know, dear God is so kind! He brought me my mommy back from hospital.”

Three babies around their seriously ill mother, and an old grandmother, who is like a child herself, found themselves in despair and poverty ... What a horror! 

I am broken! But these angels are all that I have, and my faith in God and in kindness of people give me strength to live. I love them so much! Lord, these three little angels do not know what childhood is, and I am so powerless. Dear mothers and fathers, please, help me! - the three babies threw themselves on her shouting: “Mommy, please don’t cry! We love you so much!” 

The children in this house never laugh. You can only hear their quiet voices with a squeak of a wheelchair on the background: “Mommy, it’s time to take pills”, “mommy, would you have some soup?”, “mommy, can I help you?” ... 

There are voices of 11-year-old Nino and her brothers, Mate (9-year-old) and Amiko (6-year-old). Children, who are deprived of everything: of a father who left them for a new life with another woman; of a healthy mother who did not endure the betrayal; and, most importantly, - of childhood. No more are they children - one can call them adult.

The sight we found at the Davadzes’ home was sad: the wheelchair-bound mother Eka begging for help, and three wonderful children surrounding her - Nino (11-year-old), Mate(9-year-old) and Amiko (6-year-old).

The once happy wife and mother, Eka, today cannot even get on her feet to feed, bathe, play with her children. 

But God did not leave the poor woman alone - he directed her to us, friends. Eka sincerely spoke about her grief, hoping that we would not leave her children in trouble.

- Oh, God! I can’t believe my eyes! - Eka even tried to stand up to greet us. But then she stopped and writhed of pain in her legs. 

-You cannot imagine how happy I am of seeing you! And the children as well! They were looking forward to hearing from you! They asked when the people from the Fund would call. Come in, come in please! I am sorry that I cannot stand up and hug you!

It’s ok, Eka! Tell me, what a trouble made you address to us? 

- Dear, I don’t even know what to begin with. You see the state I’m in - my legs and body have given up on me. The fact that you can see me in a wheelchair is already a great achievement for me. 

But I would never bother you because of myself. I fell a pain for my children. Look around! Children should not live this way. They don’t have any childhood and joy, they only see their sick mother and poverty all around. My children look sorrowfully at other kids' toys, wear hand-me-downs, and are malnourished. 

Instead of having fun playing with their friends, they have to take care of me. My Nino is only 11 years old, and she is already a real nurse ... She knows what medication I need and when I should have them, how to help me to move from my bed to the wheelchair. 

The younger children, Amiko (6-year-old) and Mate (9-year-old,) keep walking around me and asking me how they could help me. 

This is not how I imagined the life of my children, not what I used to dream of. No. 

- Eka, what happened to you, why are you in a wheelchair?

- I always used to have health problems, with many diagnoses. Two years ago I felt sick, my head was spinning, I was not able to walk or stand, my legs gave up on me. I lost consciousness, and when I came to senses I found myself in hospital. I spent there two months motionless. As I was told, I was taken to hospital with stupor, polyneuropathy and encephalopathy. I left hospital already sitting in a wheelchair. 

There is no reason to keep on talking about that. I don’t ask for me, I need nothing. Please, help my children! They have suffered a lot! 

Mate, my 9-year-old child has epilepsy. He regularly takes an antiepileptic drug prescribed by the doctor, but recently the attacks have become more frequent ... Probably, the dose should be increased, but we cannot visit the neurologist yet ... 

The illness overtook my boy two years ago, when his father simply left us and I found myself in hospital. The doctor said that it happened because of a stress. 

Parents, please listen to me! Never let your children see you tears, feel your pain! They painfully pass through the grief of their parents! My poor son is an evidence of that. 

I feel guilty for what happened to Mate and the other kids. How to live with that? I have already forgotten what peace is.

- Do Nino and Amiko have health problems as well?

- Oh. Life does not spare me and my children. Amiko (6-year-old) was born with retinal detachment. Doctors categorically declared that he would be blind, not taking pity on the poor mother! But fortunately, they were wrong. After surgery my little Amiko started seeing the world with his beautiful eyes. 

He also has heart problems - the valve did not close after his birth... The doctors said to take the situation under control, and regularly check his heart and eyes. But I cannot do it! 

A year ago Nino (11-year-old) got it trouble. My daughter had an accident. On the way to school she was hit by a car. Nino survived by miracle! The driver who did this, made me promise not to go to the police to report, paid for the medical examination by a professor, bought a c-collar, and disappeared! I took pity for him because of his 4 children, and he just disappeared! Thank God, everything turned out fine, and Nino is all right now. But I wonder, if this driver has a heart. Would not he like to know how the girl feels herself, the girl who he nearly killed? 

How do you manage to cope with the children being wheelchair-bound? Is there anybody who can help you? 

I have never said that! My children and I would have died of hunger and cold long ago, if not for my mother-in-law - 63-year-old Dali Kiladze, my savior! Although we are divorced with my husband, she always supports us. We live in her house and my mother-in-law takes care of me and her grandchildren. She feeds them, washes them, puts them to bed. I don't even know how we would have survived without grandmother Dali. 

- What money do you live on and what is it enough for? 

We are entitled to the status of socially disadvantaged family with a 450- GEL allowance. From this amount I get 300 GEL in cash and 150 GEL in coupons to buy food for the children. I spent about 50 GEL per month for Mate’s medications and 100 GEL for mine. In addition, we get grandmother’s pension. But she also needs to buy medications for herself, she is not young. Still she spends everything on her grandchildren ... 

I am happy that my children are not picky, don't ask for too much. But, I know how much they are deprived of. Meat, dairy products are delicacies for us. Needless to mention sweets. We cannot afford any of these. 

- Do you have any relatives who could lend a helping hand? 

At the age of 19 I lost my mother, and my father died soon after, unable to cope with the grief. I only have a sister - Nino. She is a year older than me. It was she who wrote to you! Because she can do nothing to help us. She has three little children and she is socially disadvantaged too. She calls me, crying into the phone because of her helplessness, pities me ...

- Eka, I'm sorry, but I will still ask: what happened to you and your husband, why did you divorce? 

We met 13 years ago. He dialed a wrong phone number and it turned out to be mine by chance. We got to talking, then we met, love arose ... Soon he just took me to his parents and called me his wife ... And I did not mind, we were young and we loved each other ... 

We had great plans! A large family, a home, many children, I imagined a wonderful pictures. Six years ago, he went abroad to work. At the beginning everything seemed all right, but then... He met another woman. 

For two years now, he has not been interested in us at all, he has not helped the children ... He does not even call to ask how his children are.

And the younger one, Amiko, does not remember his father. But the elder children - Nino and Mate - often ask about him. 

- Eka, where do you find the strength not to break down? 

- I am already broken. No way further. But God does not leave me. You are here, you are talking to me and taking my troubles close to your heart - it means that there’s Gods will for that. And my children help me. 

- Can I talk you your children? 

- Yes, they will talk to you with pleasure. And here is our hostess running up– my Nino, her mother's joy!

 -Nino, tell me about your hobbies.

Nino (11-year-old): When we used to live in Tbilisi I loved to make cakes! I am going to become the most famous Georgian pastry chef when I grow up! I will bake birthday cakes for children, and they will say - this is Nino’s cake, the most delicious cake in the world! 

- Do you have photos of your cakes? Can you show us? 

Nino (11-year-old): - There used to be in the phone that got broken. I would bake it for you, but we have only a wood-stove here, and you cannot make cake in it. When I have my pastry shop, I'll give you one for free, okay?

- For some reason, my heart tells me that I will try your cake even earlier. But now, tell me, what you would like most of all in the world? 

- Nino (11-year-old): - So that mommy would recover and could walk again. I feel so sorry for her ... I try to look after her, bringing her water, pills, food... 

- You are a very good daughter, your mother can be proud of you! But I ask: what would you like to get as a gift, what would make you feel happy? 

- A telephone! I’d like to know how it feels when you have your own phone with an Internet access, where you can watch videos showing how cakes are baked. I would watch them all the time! There are so many video-lessons on the Internet! Even those who cannot cook, can easily learn how to do it without going out from home! But you also need special groceries. 

- Have you got friends?

- Nino (11-year-old): - Yes, I have two friends: Keto and Mzeo. It was my birthday not long ago and I wanted to bake a cake and invite my friends. But I did not manage it. Hopefully next year I will celebrate my birthday with my friends.

- What do you and your friends usually do? Do you play toys? 

- Nino (11-year-old): I have got no toys. Actually, I don’t need them, I’m already adult. But my brothers want to play with toys. They are still very young and dream of bicycle, toy cars and ball. Talk to them to make sure! 

 - Boys, is it true? 

Mate (9-year-old): - Yes, I like to play with cars.

Amiko (6-year-old): - I want a bicycle! But Mom says that she cannot buy it yet... I'm waiting her getting well.

- What is your dream? 

Amiko (6-year-old): - I’ve got so many! My two hands are not enough to fit them! But now I am dreaming about an ice-cream because it’s hot! And don’t forget about the bicycle! Do you see mine? It does not go. 

Mate (9-year-old): - And I dream that my mother could walk again! I even wanted to become a doctor to treat her! But that would take her too much time to wait, so she would have to find another doctor. I‘d better become a policeman to defend my mother, grandmother, sister and brother. 

- What about school? Do you have favorite subjects?

Mate (9-year-old): Mine is math, it is the easiest for me, the rest is too difficult! If I had my way, I would get rid of all subjects and leave only math! Well, I would have drawing as well, I love to draw. May I also ask you for felt-tip pens? I'll draw better pictures with them!

- Sure, Mate, you will have your felt-tip pens. 

- Eka, you have nothing to be afraid having such wonderful kids! What can we do to make you feel better? 

I feel sorry to ask, but we cannot cope ourselves. Could you please help with groceries? We are not able even to buy the basic stuff. Children need dairy products, vitamins, because they are growing up. It would be great if you could help us with that.

Nino (11-year-old) would be extremely happy if you gave them a wafer-maker and a gas stove with oven! Her dream to make wafers and cakes would come true. And a washing machine: - You see, I am good for nothing, and it is too hard for grandmother Dali to wash all our things by hands.

Let God bless you for your help!I will pray for everyone who responds to our trouble. Sorry that I am asking you for help! I feel really embarrassed.

- Eka, how did you know about the Fund?

- As I said before, it was my sister Nino, who addressed Chernovetskyi Fund. Nino knows every story from your site by heart and she is ready to help everybody, maybe with just a penny, but still. She cannot pass by someone else’s grief. It was Nino who wrote you about my plight ... 

To be honest, I was in despair. I didn't expect that you would respond. There are a lot of people who need help. And you not only answered, but also contacted us, found and visited us. Let God bless you for your kindness!

- Do you want to meet friends of our Fund? Having learned your story, I'm sure many people will want to meet you personally.

-Yes of course, they are welcome! My everyday life is monotonous, only children make me happy ... The guys and I will be glad to see everyone who comes to visit us!


Friends, you can see that the Davadze family needs our support! The mother of three wonderful children cannot take care of them herself. She entrusted her life and the fate of her children into the hands of the Lord, and it was He who directed her to us! God never leaves those who need him.

Let's lend a helping hand to the Davadze family, who live in dire need. The children are malnourished, they dream of sweets, toys, new clothes and gadgets – usual things. Eka's family is asking to help them with this! Do not pass by the unfortunate disabled woman, and thechildren, who who do not know what simple joys of childhood are. 

Call the Davadze family, cheer them up and give them a hope for tomorrow. Eka’s phone: 598 43 70 60.

You can also visit the family at the address: Sachkhere District, village Tskhami, Khadjaliev settlement

Please repost our publication. Let all your friends know about the challenges and dreams of the Davadze family! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove that we trust in God not by words, but in deeds!

Friends, there is one more request - if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at: office-fsp@fsp.ge 

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(Purpose: Davadze family).

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It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under "Charity" section. (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link https://goo.gl/GY2Gus )

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support Eka and her children, as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One call saves life - 0901 200 270

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This family needs clothes the most. Clothe them, and your soul will be enveloped with God's blessings!
Our Fund’s accounts:
In Bank of Georgia
In TBC Bank
In Liberty Bank

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