Список поддержавших проект Mommy says that dear God can do everything... Is it true, ma’am? - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Mommy says that dear God can do everything... Is it true, ma’am?

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September 11, 2020
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If it is true, please ask your friends and the friends of the Fund to pray together with me and my mommy, - beautiful Nino, the eldest daughter in the Lagvilava family looks at me with her piercing eyes. - Then dear God will hear us for sure! Won’t He? - she looks at me with a plea in her huge beautiful Georgian eyes full of tears. Will you also pray for us, won’t you forget?
Charity number:
$ 1,074.92
( 156 Donors )
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This family needs clothes the most. Clothe them, and your soul will be enveloped with God's blessings!
კორენევიჩ ალექსანდრა
year ago
$ 1.87
ჯიშკარიანი ვასილი
year ago
$ 3.73
ზურაბ სამხარაძე
year ago
$ 3.73
year ago
$ 3.73
გაგანაშვილი მაკა
year ago
$ 0.37
ნუცუბიძე გიორგი
year ago
$ 0.37

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