Список поддержавших проект How to explain to the kids that their father, a war hero, was killed not by the enemy’s bullet but by the doctor’s ignorance in the country which he used to defend? - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

How to explain to the kids that their father, a war hero, was killed not by the enemy’s bullet but by the doctor’s ignorance in the country which he used to defend?

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October 20, 2020
“I want to be a soldier, like my daddy! - proudly declares Gabriel and drags me directly from the doorway to the portrait of his father. - You know, ma’am, my dad is a hero, he was at war, and, sure, I will become a hero too! - continues the little boy. - Now daddy is in the heaven. Not that he has left us - angels just took him there, because he was so kind, brave and good!"
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