Список поддержавших проект Let’s give angels joy of childhood! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Let’s give angels joy of childhood!

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October 30, 2020
Friends let me introduce: Mariam (1-year-old), Barbara (2-year-old), Lika (3-year-old) and Giorgi (4-year-old) - kids, who can only dream about sweets and toys. They are still too little to realize how difficult their situation is, but they already have to endure hardships, and they know by heart: "Mom has no money now... She will buy it later, someday ..."
Charity number:
$ 1,459.22
( 209 Donors )
Project completed!
ნინო ნიშნიანიძე
year ago
$ 1.87
სალამაძე ილია
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$ 1.87
ლალიაშვილი მაკა
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$ 3.73
მანუკიანი ერნესტ
year ago
$ 9.33
მაისურაძე ვახტანგ
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$ 3.73
ირაკლი გაბაიძე
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$ 3.73

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