Список поддержавших проект Big hungry wolf wants some meat - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Big hungry wolf wants some meat

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January 25, 2021
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“Merab is our crybaby, he is the youngest, but the most chowhound! He doesn't let the bread out of his hands, he thinks that we will take it away from him ... but in fact we even give him our sausages! Mom brings sausages from the canteen once a week. As many as 10! But we give everything to Merab, he's little! And we are all adults, we understand that mom has no money. But Merabiko doesn't understand it. He doesn't understand anything yet. He just cries: "I want some meat, give me some meat."
Charity number:
$ 894.91
( 191 Donors )
Project completed!
year ago
$ 1.87
გელა ივანიძე
year ago
$ 7.48
კახაბერ ქებურია
year ago
$ 7.86
თინათინ ბერიძე
year ago
$ 1.12
ლუკა ცაგარეიშვილი
year ago
$ 1.12
იაკლი გეწაძე
year ago
$ 3.74

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