Список поддержавших проект For many years, her only dream is for her children to eat their fill! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

For many years, her only dream is for her children to eat their fill!

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February 2, 2021
“When they start chirping in six voices, like chicks asking for food, my heart bleeds. And I have only one dream - to give them food! That's all ... I dare not dream of something else ... We just want to eat. " It is difficult to write about hungry children on holidays, when housewives in all houses cook, set tables, and there is a lot of food... Maybe not everything will be eaten, a lot of food will be thrown away ... And at the same time, you are writing about a family where six children are malnourished, wear rags, and their biggest dream is to eat full. "Wouldn't we have to starve tomorrow if we eat an extra piece of bread today?" - this is their main problem.
Charity number:
$ 868.38
( 143 Donors )
Project completed!
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