Список поддержавших проект Help me, I want to be like others... - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Help me, I want to be like others...

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February 9, 2021
“Mom, why are they looking at me like that? It’s because I'm not like others?" These words hurt me more than a machine gun fire. These words kill me. “He is not long for this world, - the doctors said 10 years ago, when Giorgi was born. - Be prepared for the worst!” But his mother Tinatin refused to believe that. Giorgi spent 35 days in intensive care unit... For 35 days his mother asked God not to take her son away from her. God heard her - Giorgi stayed with his mother, and a lifelong struggle began! "The most difficult thing in raising a special child are the "good advices” of complete strangers and the gazes of bystanders who feel sorry for either you, or the child, or themselves, because of seeing this..."
Charity number:
$ 699.95
( 143 Donors )
Project completed!
მაია იმნაძე
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$ 1.49
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$ 3.73
ცომაია თორნიკე
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$ 11.19
კანკავა დავით
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$ 3.73
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$ 1.87

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