Список поддержавших проект I ate cake once in my life! I will never forget it – it was so delicious! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I ate cake once in my life! I will never forget it – it was so delicious!

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February 16, 2021
“I've never tasted anything tastier! Do you like cakes? " - 6-year-old Vakhtang asks me with curiosity, standing by the entrance of a wretched ruin, looking like a bombsite. “Do people really live here? - I ask to myself, and answer out loud to the kid: - Yes, and what else do you like to eat?” - “Semolina and pasta ... Mommy does not cook anything else. And I dream of a cake! Please come in, don’t be afraid!"
Charity number:
$ 1,378.33
( 186 Donors )
Project completed!
ვლადიმერ აშოთია
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$ 7.48
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$ 3.74
ბალიანი ომარ
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$ 0.75
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$ 1.5
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$ 3.74
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