Список поддержавших проект My children are afraid of me... - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

My children are afraid of me...

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March 31, 2021
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“Look, my mom has seven stitches on her head!” - a little beauty Bella says - “Such terrible things happen to her! She collapses, rolls her eyes, and can’t stop shaking! " Oh, God! There is so much sadness in the beautiful eyes of this child... The baby is only 9 years old, every day she sees how her dear mother suffers severe attacks, she sees how a terrible disease drains her mother’s life force. A child's heart hurts, because her mother can collapse any second and hit her head - anything can happen to her!
Charity number:
$ 556.95
( 97 Donors )
Project completed!
პაპელიშვილი ანი
year ago
$ 3.74
ნიკა გაბაძე
year ago
$ 1.12
რომა სუმბაძე
year ago
$ 0.37
მანუკიანი ერნესტ
year ago
$ 9.34
გოგა ჯახია
year ago
$ 3.74
year ago
$ 1.87
#Ill adults

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