Список поддержавших проект All of our "new" things are from the trash! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

All of our "new" things are from the trash!

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November 3, 2021
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All the dreams of mom Tamara get shattered when she brings a three-liter jar of soup from the social canteen. Three liters of soup and four loaves of bread for seven children. Sounds like a math puzzle? We have already given you such puzzles. It is not a fictional puzzle, but a real one. It is not aimed to train your brain, but to determine the kindness level of your heart. It is much easier to cross the river with a wolf, goat, and a cabbage so that each of them is left intact than feeding seven children with bread and one jar of soup.
Charity number:
$ 792.02
( 113 Donors )
Project completed!
გიორგი ჩიტაძე
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$ 3.74
გაგანაშვილი მაკა
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$ 0.37
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$ 1.5
გიორგი ამირაჯები
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$ 1.87
ანდრო თავართქილაძე
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$ 0.75
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$ 1.87

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