Список поддержавших проект He is not a load or a burden - he is our beloved son!!! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

He is not a load or a burden - he is our beloved son!!!

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November 7, 2021
Six-year-old Giorgi has been standing with a towel in his hands for over an hour. He is sleepy, it's already ten o'clock in the evening, but he can't sleep. "I'm waiting. I must wait for my turn to the bathhouse. It's not fair! Do you wait a long time for your turn if you need to go to the toilet or bathe? " - Giorgi asks me waiting to get a serious answer from me.
Charity number:
$ 358.23
( 77 Donors )
Project completed!
year ago
$ 3.72
year ago
$ 1.86
ზურაბ შაიშმელაშვილი
year ago
$ 0.37
ზურაბ შაიშმელაშვილი
year ago
$ 0.37
ქეთევან დიასამიძე
year ago
$ 0.37
ქეთევან დიასამიძე
year ago
$ 0.37

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