We thought that mom was asleep, kissed her, but she was getting colder and colder! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

We thought that mom was asleep, kissed her, but she was getting colder and colder!

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January 17, 2022
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Every evening the children say these words like a prayer, but by standing in front of the portrait of their mother, not the icon. They tell her how they behaved, what did they do... Sometimes they even ask her for help. Their mother died two years ago of a terrible disease - cancer!
Charity number:
$ 1,831.04
( 312 Donors )
Project completed!

We thought that mom was asleep, kissed her, but she was getting colder and colder!


"Today we behaved well, we did not offend our grandmother, we only offended Gocha once, and that's it."

Every evening the children say these words like a prayer, but by standing in front of the portrait of their mother, not the icon.  They tell her how they behaved, what did they do... Sometimes they even ask her for help. Their mother died two years ago of a terrible disease - cancer!

"Mom, Nika and Andria do not allow me to play with them again... Do something."

“Do you know what our mother was like? She was the best! Come on, I'll show you! I light a candle for her every day. Granny says that this way mom can see better how we behave. Once, when she was already completely ill and was crying all the time from pain, she asked to put all the mattresses on the floor, and so we all laid down and slept together. She hugged and kissed all three of us. And then in the morning she laid down on the blanket, and we rode her around the house. It was so fun... When we got tired, we laid down again on the mattresses and hugged... And then our mother died. She closed her eyes and that's it. We kissed her, hugged her for a very long time, we thought she was sleeping, but no. Then she became cold. We all remember these days very well. Sometimes it seems to me that I hear my mother's laugh again. But no ... Mommy is now only on photos and in our hearts. "

“Granny has mommy’s scent, and she looks like her. We hug her too"

   There is nothing sadder than children when they talk about their beloved mother in the past tense... Ten-year-old Nika, nine-year-old Andria and five-year-old Gocha became orphans in November 2019. Only two years have passed since cancer took the beloved mother from these three boys. Children remember her well and draw her every day to recreate her warmth and beauty in their memory.

“This is how Andria remembers his mom. His mother wore a yellow dress on her last day, and he always paints portraits of her in this outfit.”

“Nika paints portraits of his mother more often. He paints her beautiful but sad eyes as she tries to hold back her tears."

  When mother Nino got sick, grandmother Svetlana cried a lot. But her daughter calmed her down and kept telling her: "God will not let me die, I still need to put my children on their feet." Then, when she could no longer cope with the pain, she asked her mother to be strong, asked to be not only a grandmother for her boys, but also a mother. Svetlana kept her promise. She is now the only native person for these kids. Their dad left them. Rather, he left not them, but his sick wife. And the children stayed with their mother. They didn't leave her.

They are brothers, and friends, and comrades-in-arms for each other! “Well, we sometimes fight with each other, especially with Gocha. But we will not let others offend us. We stand up for each other!”

  “I am the most unhappy mother and the happiest grandmother,” - Svetlana Obolashvili, the 50-year-old grandmother of Nika, Andria and Gocha, says.

- Please tell us your story, Svetlana. I know it hurts to recall...

Svetlana: In three years I have buried two of my children. My son was the first to die at the age of 26. He had kidney problems. He was dialyzed every other day for 16 years. Finally, his body could not stand it, and he died. One year later, we learned about Nino's terrible disease. She was pregnant with her third child when she started feeling sick. We thought it was a difficult pregnancy, but it turned out to be cancer of the lymph nodes. We sold everything we had. They treated her for three years, but the disease did not recede.

“Mom was lying on this bed. We often sit here and play ... And she sees us and rejoices "

  - Did Nino suffer a lot?

  Svetlana: The first year she held on and encouraged us. She said that she would cope, that she would not leave her children alone. But then she started having pains. At first it was difficult for her to walk, then she could not even sit on bed, and then it became more and more difficult for her to hold back tears. Until her last day she did not want to show her boys how scared she was and how it hurt. She played with them. Lying in bed, she came up with different games. But when the pain became harder and tears flowed from her eyes, the boys asked her: "Mom, does it hurt, are you crying?" My God, she loved life and her children so much.

“She even painted her eyes and wore lipstick to look healthier! She said to the children: "If there was something serious, do you think I would put on makeup?", while she was counting her last hours"

  - Did you look after your daughter and grandchildren?

  Svetlana: Yes, and there was no one else to look after them. Sometimes the children called me Mom. Nino was both happy and hurt. She was happy that the children would not worry so much when she was gone, that I could replace their mother. But deep down, she was worried that she could not be a good mother for them... My poor daughter, and my poor grandchildren... They had no one else but me.

- What about their father?

Svetlana: My daughter was pregnant when she found out about her disease. Even before that, her relationship with her husband was far from being perfect, but then it worsened completely. He did not want to have a sick wife. One day my daughter called me and asked to take her from there. She said that he beat her. She cried. I came and took her and my grandchildren to my place. Let's not talk about him. He does not live in Georgia now. Sometimes he calls his children. But he does not help them in any way. I don’t want to say anything bad about him in front of the kids. When they grow up, they will make their own conclusions.

“We cannot attach legs and arms to this toy... But we have nothing else to play with."

- I suppose, it is very difficult for you to cope with three boys. Sometimes it is difficult even for two parents to raise real men. And you are alone!

  Svetlana: All my time, all my life is devoted to them. One thing is to feed them, and another, as you said, is to raise real men. Although it is impossible even to feed them properly with allowance and pensions for orphanhood and disability. Well, they do not starve, but they are deprived of everything. They have no toys, they dream of bicycles and phones. But how can I provide them with this, when we have to pay 300 GEL for rent, and the entire allowance is only 600 GEL? You have to save on everything. But children are always well fed and warm. God will not give offense to orphans - in the most difficult moments he sends kind strangers to us. You are also his messengers, aren't you?

- You said disability pension? Who gets it?

Svetlana: Andria is sick. He was born six months premature, he weighed only 1.2 kg. From his very birth, he is under medical supervision of various doctors. He permanently takes medications. He has epilepsy. Before he started taking medications, he often had attacks. And after he started taking pills, his condition became better.

  Andria (9-year-old): I got better not because of the pills - it was because my mother in heaven, asked Angel to look after me... You told me so, granny, did not you?!

- What else did your grandmother say?

  Andria: She said that my mother would send Santa to us, and he would bring us gifts. You are from him, right? Please, please, please, say that you are from him!

- Sure! Do you see, I am writing down your words? I will tell him everything: how you behave, how you study, and how you look after your granny.

  Andria: And what about wishes? About what we want?

  - It goes without saying! Let the youngest one start.

  Nika (10-year-old): He is not talkative - I will say for him. He wants toys and candy. I need a tablet or, better, a phone to attend online lessons, and Andria can say himself.

Andria: Here, I painted this picture for Santa! And I have only one dream... Well, two! Well, three... But not even Santa can fulfill it. I want a phone, I want a bike and... I want mom.

* * *

  Andria wants mom, and Nika, and Gocha too. But we will not be able to bring mother back to the boys, and we will not be able to replace her. We can only share our warmth with them, we can brighten up the New Year holidays for them, because they are waiting for miracles!

This family needs any help because everything matters for orphans. They will be grateful for anything. They asked for a bicycle, a skateboard, phones, toys, and the grandmother asked for only one thing - she dreams of a gas stove with an oven, so that at least sometimes she could bake some pastry for the children. And the children also need warm clothes, shoes, and a chest of drawers to store all this beautifully. We hope for you! We will not leave the orphans alone! We will become their heroes!

You can visit them and provide them all possible help, their address is: Gurjaani, 1 Sarajishvili Str.

Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone's prayers through you!

Let’s show our mercy and make little orphans believe that miracles happen, that they can have the same wonderful childhood as other children! They believe in us. Do not let our compatriots down. Show them what generous people live in Georgia

We are sure that all together we will manage to change their life.

  Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at: office-fsp@fsp.ge.

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Obolashvili family).

  You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under "Charity" section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link https://goo.gl/GY2Gus).

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news for you - now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/chernovetskyi.fund/ and Telegram: https://t.me/ChernovetskyiFund.

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone's life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

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