Список поддержавших проект When dad has another family, and hunger and cold make life of kids and their loving mother unbearable! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

When dad has another family, and hunger and cold make life of kids and their loving mother unbearable!

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February 7, 2022
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Being a single mom in Georgia is a sentence! When your kids are little and you can't leave them alone to go to work, it's twice as hard. The meager allowance is enough for nothing, especially after the increase in food prices. “When I run out of money I literally turn into beggar: I have to ask for food either in the store, or from the neighbors,” - says mother Natia, hiding her face in her hands with shame. Every single day she asks her children to forgive her for not being able to be a good mother for them. Not for such a life, she asked the Lord to give her children!
Charity number:
$ 885.78
( 137 Donors )
Project completed!
a year ago
$ 0.75
ნათია ბოტკოველი
a year ago
$ 3.74
ზუხბაია ალექსი
a year ago
$ 18.72
გიორგი შალამბერიძე
a year ago
$ 1.87
ქეთევან ხარაძე
a year ago
$ 18.72
არჩვაძე მარიამ
a year ago
$ 1.87

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