Fire devoured the house of this wonderful family and everything in it. They believe that the Georgians will not pass by their grief! Fire will never devour faith in the kindness of the Georgian nation. - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Fire devoured the house of this wonderful family and everything in it. They believe that the Georgians will not pass by their grief! Fire will never devour faith in the kindness of the Georgian nation.

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April 12, 2022
“We don’t even have any photo albums left to remind us of our old life. It’s as if we didn’t exist,” - says Diana, turning over the ashes with her hands. – “I often come here. My heart hurts, but I hope that maybe I will find something from our old life here.” On November 18, 2021, the life of the family was divided into two -old life and new life. Just one spark turned all dreams, hopes and expectations into ashes. The family was left in the street, and their beautiful house burned down in a few minutes. Only a strong smell of burning and ashes remained from their former life... They were already sleeping when the fire started to consume everything. They barely managed to get out dressed in pajamas. Their neighbors gave them jackets, blankets and even socks.
Charity number:
$ 1,996.87
( 295 Donors )
Project completed!

Fire devoured the house of this wonderful family and everything in it. They believe that the Georgians will not pass by their grief! Fire will never devour faith in the kindness of the Georgian nation.


“My mother used to cook dumplings in this pot. And she baked delicious buns in these molds”

“We don’t even have any photo albums left to remind us of our old life. It’s as if we didn’t exist,” - says Diana, turning over the ashes with her hands. – “I often come here. My heart hurts, but I hope that maybe I will find something from our old life here.”

On November 18, 2021, the life of the family was divided into two -old life and new life. Just one spark turned all dreams, hopes and expectations into ashes.

The family was left in the street, and their beautiful house burned down in a few minutes. Only a strong smell of burning and ashes remained from their former life... They were already sleeping when the fire started to consume everything. They barely managed to get out dressed in pajamas. Their neighbors gave them jackets, blankets and even socks.

“Our life was left behind these stairs. And now it looks exactly like this - there is nothing!”

- Liana, how are you now? Children recall their home and life before the fire with tears in their eyes.

Liana: Look around. There is nothing left of our house. I will never forget that terrible day. We were already asleep when the inhuman cry of my mother-in-law woke us up. “We are burning!”- she yelled. Thank God she woke up. As soon as we ran out of the house, the roof collapsed. One can say we miraculously survived. My mother-in-law is an Angel sent by God!  Lord, I will never tire of thanking You for bringing us out of our house then! You saved us! Another couple of seconds and we might not have had time to get out. Everything happened so fast...

I just have no words to describe our state. I can't even cry. You cannot even imagine how valuable every single thing in our house was to us.  I kept the first drawings of my children, photographs of their first steps. Their first school notebooks. Everything there was created by my husband and me. We have put so much work, so much love and warmth into this house.

- Did you manage to determine the cause of the fire?

Liana: They said that the wiring started to burn. Will have to rebuild everything from scratch. But we have neither funds nor forces for this.

– Where do you live now?

Liana: Our neighbor let us live in her house. She gave us one room. Since we have nothing of our own, the entire village dressed us. They lent us a bed, and an ottoman, and a stove. Someone brought us fork, another one brought us plate.

“There is nothing of our own in this room. Our good neighbors brought us everything”

 - Do the authorities help you in any way?

  Liana: They said: "Build walls and we will give you a roof from the old school." They are demounting a school in our village, so they promised to give us a roof. We'll see. The matter still needs to be brought to the roof, but how? Our income is 400 GEL of social allowance, and some more, when my husband earns something on part-time jobs. This is enough for nothing. Our parents help up if something remains from their pension after they buy medications.

Stairs leading to nowhere

 Malkhaz (13-year-old): You know, I used to have my room. I hid there from everyone and read. Or listened to music. But now when I want to be alone I can’t. We only have two beds. Sometimes dad and I sleep on the floor, sometimes mom and my sister. I can’t even believe now that someday I will have a normal bed. Maybe when I grow up, when I start working. I don’t know.

“I often come here and find my burnt things. It used to be my cup. My grandmother gave it to me when I was three years old.

My grandfather gave me this dagger when I was ten. That's how, piece by piece, we assemble our past.

  - What do you miss the most from your past life?

Malkhaz: I don't know... I miss my room. I miss it a lot.

Diana (15-year-old): Me too! But I can’t dream of anything only for myself. I want to live as a big family again. I want to dream only of beautiful dresses. I used to be a big dreamer. Before going to bed, I imagined such a beautiful life. And it turns out that my life used to be beautiful! Not like now.

- What did you dream about? How did you imagine your life?

Diana: I imagined that I would become a teacher, then I would get married and have children. Not many children, just two! And then all this happened, and my dreams also flew away with the smoke. Now, before going to bed, I only think about this and how we managed to run out from there.

“Now I’ll wash it. It's part of my jewel box, I think."

“This is probably our sketchbook. My brother and I drew a lot, and now we don’t even have pencils and paper.”

- What do you remember the most?

  Diana: I remember how the entire village helped us. How they comforted us, how they gave us clothes. How they brought us warm blankets. Everyone was so kind! I will thank everyone when I grow up and start working! I also want to help everyone.

Liana: If it weren't for good people, we probably wouldn't even be alive. I thank them all, I pray for them, but I also want to convey my gratitude through you! They will all read our story, so I want to confess my love to all of them!

– Liana, what do you need the most right now? You've already got through the winter. What is your main problem now?

  Liana: We have some building materials, they promised us to help with a roof. I cannot ask for global things, maybe someone can help us with dishes, clothes, beds. Children really need computers or tablets. If with God’s help we build walls, then we will need windows and doors.

Give up or try to start from scratch? Will you help? They just can't do it alone

  Malkhaz: Can I have a bike?

 Diana: Are you crazy? What a bike! We have nothing to eat!

- I think we can fulfill this dream if you let your sister ride too!

Malkhaz: Not only sister! You too, all the neighbors and children from the neighboring village, if they want to!


  Friends, the Zeragia family has lost everything. Their house, belongings - everything that was acquired over many years of hard work, was consumed by fire. They have absolutely nothing left. The family found themselves without the roof over their head, they live in a room where their kind neighbor sheltered them. But their conscience does not allow them to abuse the kindness of these wonderful people.  They really need our support now!

The Zeragia family needs any help, they need the most basic things because they will have to start their life from scratch. First of all they need food, kitchenware, building materials, home appliances, beds, a table, chairs, and tablets for the children. And one special request - a bicycle!

You can visit them and provide them all possible help. Their address is: Khoni Municipality, Village Kveda Gordi.

  Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone's prayers through you! 

  We are sure that together we can warm them up and give them confidence in the future.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

  Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Zeragia family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under "Charity" section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news for you - now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone's life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

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