Список поддержавших проект All illnesses are killing me at the same time, I have no money for medications... Save me, please ... - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

All illnesses are killing me at the same time, I have no money for medications... Save me, please ...

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May 25, 2022
“A person's life is composed of black and white stripes, and mine is all black. Many years ago, my mother kicked me out of the house with epilepsy. Since then, I have been fighting poverty, disease, hunger! I have many other diseases in addition to epilepsy. My only income is the social allowance, but it is not enough even for one visit to the doctor.” - Ms. Karina tells us. "Why? Hasn't there been any single bright spot in your life?” I want her to say something good. “Yes, of course - these were the people whom God sent me ... Thanks to them I survived... And the Lord sent you to me - I believe in that!
Charity number:
$ 639.55
( 91 Donors )
Project completed!
დარჩია თამაზ
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$ 0.75
გორგაძე გიორგი
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$ 0.75
გილაური გიორგი
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#Ill adults

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