Список поддержавших проект We don’t have toys at home. They are probably scared of our home - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

We don’t have toys at home. They are probably scared of our home

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August 25, 2022
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Anastasia has had a sore throat for the second week now. She no longer has the strength to even cry. Swallowing and chewing hurt her. Even drinking water hurts. Anastsia (6-year-old): Look, it's like I have fire and knives in there. As if someone walks there and bites me. I can’t stand this pain anymore, even talking hurts me. Ilina: Is this life? I can’t take my child to the doctor: there is no money either for a doctor or for transport. The neighbors said they would raise money and help us. God, not the kids! I am ready to get sick myself, not to eat myself, but the children... They suffer so much.
Charity number:
$ 1,138.48
( 183 Donors )
Project completed!
a year ago
$ 7.49
მარინე მამულია
a year ago
$ 37.44
ზანგური ივანე
a year ago
$ 0.75
მიშა წიკლაური
a year ago
$ 3.74
სალომე კეკელიძე
a year ago
$ 11.23
მაკა რევაზაშვილი
a year ago
$ 1.12

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