Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I swear, I'll pray for you as long as I'm alive!

I swear, I'll pray for you as long as I'm alive!

$ 289.36
(Donors: 48)

 I greet you, my most sympathetic and kind people in the world! Do you think I have experienced little in my almost century-long life? And I saw different people, but I never stopped believing that there are more good people! Maybe because of my hope I deserved that the Chernovetskyi Fund learned about  my hard life and wrapped me in care, helped me with everything that I needed so much ... Each of you who did not pass by someone else’s grief is chosen by God ... Believe me, you and your children will be rewarded a hundredfold!I swear, I'll pray for you as long as I'm alive! 


Friends, I can imagine how happy you are to hear these heartfelt words of our old sick and lonely children! The words they wrote as gratitude is a gratitude to everyone who donated money to prolong their lives - every day of life is the most precious thing in the world.

I know for sure that you and I understand that their problems will not disappear until the very moment they face God!

Please, keep helping them. If there is any chance, be sure to call these wonderful people and tell them that there are no lonely old people in Georgia! They are our fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, and there is no one but us to take care of them.