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Projects/Beneficiaries Needs


Low-income families

“My father passed away, and it feels like the whole world is against me,” says 12-year-old Natia. The lives of Natia and her 10-year-old brother Gabriel changed drastically when they became orphans.  These little angels now live in extreme poverty.  Let’s extend a helping hand to these orphans, and may the Lord never forget your kindness.

Freezing orphans spotted a pile of damp firewood and hurried to carry it home to light their stove. While their father was alive, he would bring firewood every morning to warm the house before the children left for school. After his death, everything in the Gulishvili family changed. Their happy childhood vanished in an instant, and these little angels were thrown into the harsh reality of survival. Kind people, you’ve surely seen for yourselves that these noble children will one day keep their promise and stand by those in need. But for now, these little angels need our help. The children live in a crumbling home and dream of having a gas heater.  They sleep on broken beds that might collapse if they try to turn over. Their shoes are soaked through, and instead of a warm dinner, they drink tea with steal bread. They can’t even escape the freezing winter winds because broken windows and an old wooden door let the cold air rush in. It’s as if the whole world has turned against these orphans. Who knows, perhaps their father is looking down in sorrow, unable to rest in peace knowing his children are in such misery. But we cannot let this continue! These little angels, left without a father, have only one hope—you, kind-hearted people!





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