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Help your neighbor and get closer to God!

They need your help and very, very urgently!

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Ill children


Mother of the Twins Is Certain That a Georgian Doctor Damaged Her Children’s Brains! We fully believe her words. After all, dear friends, this is not the first time you have given children a second chance at life after they were harmed by doctors—yet no one has ever been held accountable! But that’s not all—the Ministry of Health refuses to fund their treatment! Now, the fate of these poor children rests solely in your hands, kind-hearted people!

The twins’ mother had a difficult pregnancy, as she was diagnosed with hydronephrosis (a kidney condition). At seven months pregnant, the young woman underwent a complex surgery, during which a stent was placed in her kidney. A needy woman from Akhaltsikhe came to one of the clinics in Tbilisi with money she had barely managed to save. Doctors warned that, due to the stent, the delivery had to be by C-section, as natural birth could be life-threatening for the babies.

But the poor mother could not afford to stay at the clinic under medical supervision until delivery. And do you know why? Because of wretched poverty. She had no choice but to return to Akhaltsikhe. And that’s when hell began—for both the mother and the poor twins.

A doctor in one of Akhaltsikhe’s clinics decided that a woman with a kidney stent could give birth naturally to two children. You can probably guess the rest… Yes, due to the difficult delivery, the babies suffered from asphyxia. Their brains were damaged. That irresponsible doctor slept peacefully at home that night. The next day, he dared to say to the grieving mother: “Why are you crying? Your children were born sick. Why do you even need such children?” Yes, those were the very words of the doctor responsible for their lives and health.





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Ill adults


I am a mother, and I have cancer. I beg you, please don’t let my child end up with strangers! Help me get the treatment I need—I have no money for the surgery, no money for treatment I don’t want to die, I can’t afford to, but I have no one to turn to except you, the kind-hearted people of Georgia. Who will take care of my little daughter if I’m gone? She has no one but me!

Every day is a fight for survival for Kristine and her little daughter, Lile! And today, they desperately need your support!  The mother has cancer—her toxic goiter turned into a malignant tumor, but she has no money for medical tests or treatment. Not a single tetri!

Every story of fighting cancer is a story of strength, resilience, and the will to live—of immense faith. Faith that kind people won’t let her die!

Kristine (39 years old): “I am in excruciating pain. It’s unbearable. There are moments when I think about ending it all because I just can’t take it anymore. But then I remember—I am a mother. I have to live for the sake of my child!  She has no one but me! Who will take care of Lile if I’m gone?! We lived in Germany as refugees. After we were deported, we were left with nothing—no home, no money, no documents. My daughter’s passport was lost at the airport. When we returned to Georgia, we had to live on the streets for several days. We had no money for a hotel, so we slept near 24-hour ATMs. That was the hardest ordeal of my life!”





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Help your neighbor and get closer to God!

Check out the stories of those you’ve already helped! But let’s not forget for a moment, friends, that the lives of these unfortunate children and elderly continue!

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