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Birthday 21.12.2016
One call saves life!
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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0901200270For New Year’s, I really want to blow out candles on something sweet and wish happiness to all the disadvantaged children in the world
Dear friends, Tengo’s birthday is coming up! On December 21, he’ll turn eight years old! Tengo is being raised by a single father. His mother lost her parental rights because she was abusive to her children. When Tengo lived with his mother, he never celebrated his birthday. He didn’t even have a slice of cake, let alone gifts or congratulations. Imagine how sad that must have been for him. Tengo has a mild intellectual disability and needs to take medication daily. He is eagerly waiting for the celebration and dreaming of a big, four-tier chocolate cake. Enough for everyone – his brothers, sisters, friends, classmates, and neighbors! What a kind-hearted child! Tengo can’t wait to blow out the candles and make his wishes: a new bicycle and a tablet. Now, he’s eagerly awaiting the miracle he believes will happen right before the New Year. Friends, together we can become the kind-hearted magicians who make Tengo’s dreams come true and bring joy to his life! Let’s make this a birthday he’ll remember forever!
It’s such a special holiday. With all his little heart, Tengo believes in Santa. Every year, he forgives Santa for overlooking him because he knows there are so many underprivileged children in Georgia. And Santa is old—how could he possibly remember everyone? But deep down, Tengo has been dreaming of a phone and a tablet for a long time!
You know, Auntie, it’s so hard when your dad doesn’t have enough money to buy even a simple bike for his son… Look at what I ride now… I feel so embarrassed!
Tengo, 7 years old: “A bike is every boy’s dream! I’ve had one since I was little. But as I grew, it became too small for me.
Now, when I ride it, my knees hit the handlebars. It’s so uncomfortable to ride. And the boys in the yard laugh at me. It hurts so much. My biggest dream is to have a new bike! But who will buy it for me when my dad has no money? He doesn’t have a job, and we only live on social allowance. Maybe I should write a letter to Santa? What do you think—will my wish reach him?”
Friends, each of us can be Santa for Tengiz and fulfill his small, heartfelt dream this New Year! Let’s bring joy to this child! And his sparkling, happy eyes will be the best thank-you we could ever receive!
Our Fund’s accounts are:
– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000(Purpose: Tengo Kveladze).
You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal:
It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under the “Charity” section. You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
You can save someone’s life and draw closer to God! Text 97100
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!
Thanks to your kind hearts and souls, the Georgian Grandpa Frost becomes kinder and more generous to Georgian children from low-income families with every passing New Year! Lord, thank you for this holiday we share!
Let’s smile, my friends! It’s because of all of you that little Tengo is filled with happiness! His smile is meant just for you!
Tengo: Can I hop into your Foundation’s car? Uncle, I’ll help you take my bike down. Oh, how high I’m sitting, what a tall seat my bike has! Let’s see if anyone dares tease me now for riding a little kid’s bike!
Look, look at all the cool things it has! What a beautiful horn, huh? I’ll use this horn to tell everyone to clear the road. Oh, look! A water bottle. When I get tired, I’ll stop and drink—such a good idea! Besides the big wheels, there are small ones that light up…
Well, I can’t wait to go now! Watch where I am now and where I’ll be in a minute! See, see where I am?! (shouts from a distance). And here I am, back already! (arrives). Thank you so much to whoever gave me this! I love them so, so much for this bike! I hug them so, so much for this bike!
Niko and Mari Kveladze also received New Year’s gifts from you!
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