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12 April 2012

The Charity Fund “Social Partnership” has been established in Georgia.

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September 2012

The Home Care program has been initiated, serving 300 patients.

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October 2012

New clothing and technical equipment have been purchased for the orphanage in Norio. Personal computers have been handed over to the foster children of the Norio orphanage. Technical equipment, medications, and provisions have been handed over to the family-type orphanages in Tskhneti. Computers were handed over to the foster children of the Karitas orphanage. Clothes have been purchased for the Karitas orphanages. Clothes have been bought for the foster children of the “Child and Environment” orphanage. The orphanage on Eristavi Street has been supplied with victuals. Seasonal clothing has been purchased for the foster children of the two family-type orphanage houses of Karitas.

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The founder of the Fund, Leonid Chernovetskyi, donated $50,000 for the restoration of the St. George Convent in the high-mountainous region of Tskhemovani, Kobuleti region. The scope of work included strengthening the walls, arranging bathrooms, internal repairs, installing heating, and setting up external water supply networks and a basin.

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March 2013

The program for aiding large families, in which there are 7 or more children, has been initiated. On a monthly basis, we help 10 families by providing $100 for each underage child.

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21 May 2013

A memorandum has been signed between the Social Agency of the Ministry of Health of Georgia and Social Partnership regarding aid to large families and the Home Care project.

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28 May 2013

A family-type orphanage has been opened in the Chugureti region, which has adopted and become a home for 10 children.

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August 2013

30 day long vacation has been organized for children of family type orphanages and large families.

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January 2014

The Fund assigned the special number 0901200270 for donations.

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June 2014

Our Fund paid 10 million USD to the families of those who died at Maidan in Ukraine.

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July 2014

The Fund arranged accommodation for large families at a hotel in Kobuleti.

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September 2014

The Social Partnership arranged accommodation at a hotel in Kobuleti for large families from Ukraine affected by the war/military actions. In total, 108 people – children and their parents – were accommodated.

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October 2014

In Kobuleti, from October 17-19, 2014, the Charity Fund “Social Partnership” held a media tour in the town of Kobuleti.

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8 November 2014

The Charitable Fund “Social Partnership,” in support of those wounded in the ATO area, held a charity cultural and patriotic event “Help the Injured”, supported by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, the Embassy of Georgia in Ukraine, and the Ukrainian public association “George.”

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23 November 2014

The Charity Fund “Social Partnership” opened the children boarding house aimed for 50 children in Kobuleti.

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February 2015

The President of the Social Partnership Fund was awarded a diploma signed by the Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia, Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi and Metropolitan of Bichvinta and Tskhum — Abkhazia Ilia II, the letters were also handed over to Сhildren from orphanages of a small family-type home.

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March 2015

Сhildren from orphanages of a small family-type home in Tbilisi won 4 diplomas at the Georgian language Olympiad.

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April 2015

The Сhildren from orphanages’ football team of small family-type home in Kobuleti won the match in the football championship

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June 2015

Under the patronage of the Fund, families of the deceased and wounded employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 70 people in total, mostly young children, spent their holidays at the Black Sea coast of Georgia.

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August 2015

Сhildren from orphanages of a small family-type home in Tbilisi spent a month of summer vacation in Kobuleti.

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January 2016

Giorgi Margvelashvili’s Presidential Fund allocated funds for gifts for Сhildren from orphanages of a small family-type home in Tbilisi.

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February 2016

Сhildren from orphanages of a small family-type home in Tbilisi took first and second places in the Kings Olympiad in Georgian language and mathematics. 

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March 2016

Doctors and nurses of the Fund took a practical course on Patients Home Caring at the Institute of Therapy for improving their qualifications.

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August 2016

10 pupils of a small family-type home in Tbilisi, which is under the care of our Foundation, spent a whole month of last summer in Kobuleti.

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26 December 2016

To increase the recognition of the Charity Fund in Georgia, the name of the Fund “Social Partnership” was changed to the “Chernovetskyi Fund”. The founder and main investor is a citizen of Georgia, Leonid Mikhailovich Chernovetskyi.

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May 2017

Day Center and canteen of the Chernovetskyi Fund opened their doors for their first visitors! Here the socially disadvantaged people can have tasty and nutritious food, relax and watch TV, take a hot shower, have a haircut, and consult a doctor!

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1 June 2017

On Children’s Day, the Chernovetskyi Fund organized a celebration for children from needy families with celebration treats and a concert by artists! 

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July 2017

The Social Patrol project has been launched in Tbilisi, delivering hot meals and bread daily on three routes to 3.5 thousand socially disadvantaged people.

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January 2018

A charity evening of the Chernovetskyi Fund was held in the exhibition hall of the National Library of Georgia

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January 2018

Сhildren from orphanages of a small family-type home in Tbilisi were invited to the New Year tree celebration held in the Parliament of Georgia. 

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January 2018

The Fund arranged a New Year’s dinner for the beneficiaries with traditional new-year starters and hot dishes, accompanied by the enchanting sounds of a violin. 

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February 2018

A canteen of the Chernovetskyi Fund has been opened in Kutaisi, where 200 socially disadvantaged people can have a delicious lunch every day. 

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August 2018

Сhildren from orphanages of small family-type houses of the Chernovetskyi Fund spent their summer holidays at the Black Sea coast.  

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May 2019

In Batumi State Musical Center, the Changi folklore ensemble was awarded certificates of honor by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. Among the 30 young singers of this ensemble, six are Сhildren from orphanages of small family-type houses in Kobuleti!

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April 2021

The Chernovetskyi Fund organized a charity campaign and handed over donations made by several enterprises to its beneficiaries The charity event covered 67 socially disadvantaged families. Mainly, these were large families and elderly people living alone.

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25 September 2022

The Chernovetskyi Fund arranged the first such wonderful event for its little beneficiaries at the Sky entertainment center. It was a day of happy smiles, joy, fun and support for each other.

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December 2022

On New Year holidays, we gathered children from families under the care of our Fund. There was such a hubbub in the Fund’s office, everyone laughed and rejoiced so much! Children, having played enough with their favorite cartoon characters, received cherished gifts from Santa himself!

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March 2023

Leonid Chernovetskyi Fund would like to thank our friends, the staff of Kamerton karaoke club for the wonderful day, they gave to our children! Joy, fun, laughter filled the souls of our little beneficiaries! These children were deprived of holidays and the bright colors of life.

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March 2023

We have a celebration at the Leonid Chernovetskyi Fund: the VOGG company donated the most beautiful shoes for our children! It’s not true that only children of rich parents can wear new and beautiful shoes, and the rest should be content with rags. “Children of the Fund”, as we lovingly call our little wards, received the most beautiful and fashionable shoes, which were given to us by Giorgi Tsivtsivadze, the owner of VOGG.

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March 2023

Our little ones are having a party! Today we made happy large families of Imereti region with nutritious baby formula and cereals, provided to our Fund by our long-time friend, Naturland. We would like to express our gratitude to Teona Giorgadze and her team for being the best at understanding the urgency of the problem of malnourished children and for never refusing to help the little ones!

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April 2023

Friends of the Fund! You have made this world a little kinder and happier! “There was great excitement at the Chernovetskyi Fund in anticipation of the Great Easter!” The faithful friends of our Fund, representatives of various enterprises in Tbilisi, sent generous gifts to our beneficiaries: Easter cakes, cookies, groceries, baby food, sports uniforms, carnival costumes, bedding, and toys.” “There was no end to the gifts!

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April 2023

Help an unknown friend! That’s the name of the charity event — the kids brought gifts for the wards of our Fund!It is such a joy to see children who heartily give gifts to unknown friends! It’s worth a lot! And these are wards of our Fund! Children accept gifts and send their gratitude to their unknown peers! The Chernovetskyi Fund awarded every child who opened his heart to our wards with a certificate of honor “Young Philanthropist”!

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May 2023

The Chernovetskyi Fund continues the charity campaign on collecting toys for their little wards — “Help a stranger friend”. This time the pupils of the private kindergarten “” took part in it. The Chernovetskyi Fund handed over the gifts from the “” kindergarten to the children from needy large families residing in Kakheti.The little ones in Tsori and the village of Jimiti eagerly awaited our arrival.

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May 2023

The tastiest pizza in the world is the kindest pizza! Recently Domino’s Pizzeria arranged a real holiday for our children! And treated them to a delicious special pizza! There was no limit to the children’s emotions! Some of them even decided to become “pizzaiolos” and work at Domino’s when they grow up!

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May 2023

That’s who we should take an example from! We were amazed when we discovered that children are the most active benefactors. They are willing to give anything to their peers! Absolutely anything! Their parents teach them the importance of sharing, and they take it literally! They are ready to share EVERYTHING with infamiliar friends who are less lucky! The Chernovetskyi Fund wants to express its gratitude to the team of the “” kindergarten and its founders: Tamara Julakidze and Mikhail Mgvdeladze, for their charitable assistance and active collaboration!

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May 2023

Little angels teach us charity! The “help a stranger friend” campaign has already become a good tradition, where the youngest philanthropists take part. They share the most valuable thing they have — their joy — with their less fortunate peers. We express our immense gratitude to the Iavnana kindergarten.

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June 2023

The young benefactors of the Chernovetskyi Fund met their wards for the first time. This was the first meeting of young benefactors with children from underprivileged and large families. Such an event had never taken place before. They jumped, sang songs, danced, played “cat and mouse.” They also had a sports relay race, where, of course, everyone won. The meeting was very warm and was held in a wonderful atmosphere of kindness and mutual assistance.

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June 2023

The large Bagalishvili family from Kakheti received gifts within the charity campaign “Help a Stranger Friend”. Recently, these beautiful children received cars, dolls, board games, building kits, plush toys, which were collected for them by the pupils of the “” kindergarten with great care.

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3 June 2023

Now we will be able to send our beneficiaries for treatment not only to Turkey but also to Israel!! On June 3, 2023, an international conference on pediatric surgery was held at the conference hall of the Holiday Inn Tbilisi. The conference was organized by the Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU) and the Association of Pediatric Surgeons of Georgia. Employees of our Fund were invited to the conference on behalf of the Israel Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation (IPBTF).

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June 2023

The friendly staff at McDonald’s held an unforgettable party for thirty kids! For underprivileged children from socially vulnerable large families, who often suffer from hunger and are in need of everything, for whom even a simple loaf of bread is a delicacy, receiving an invitation from the most wonderful restaurant in the world, McDonald’s, is equivalent to magic!

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June 2023

SHARE YOUR TOY… A LESSON IN KINDNESS FROM YOUNG BENEFACTORS! Private kindergarten “Children’s Academy” also supported us by organizing a “lesson of kindness” for their students. Our Fund awarded each young participant in the campaign with the title of “Young Philanthropist” for their incredible generosity, and gave them a certificate of appreciation.

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1 June 2023

The Chernovetskyi Fund celebrated International Children’s Day with a grand charitable event at the Robert Schuman European School. 250 students participated in a charitable celebration. Each of them, along with toys, shared a piece of their warmth with the young beneficiaries of the Fund, children from disadvantaged and large families living in various regions of the country.

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July 2023

The wards of the Chernovetskyi Fund, children from socially vulnerable, disadvantaged, and large families, visited a Georgian cultural festival at the “Tsiskvili” restaurant. The restaurant team provided the guests with a wonderful festive atmosphere by organizing a charity lunch for 20 children and their parents, serving a variety of signature dishes and drinks. The children also enjoyed a musical program, a performance by a folk ensemble from the highland region of Racha, masterclasses, games, and entertainment. They had a great time and had a lot of fun.

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July 2023

A corner of hope for lost souls It is a nursing home, a place of indescribable sorrow and sadness. Thirty elderly individuals live within its walls. We brought them bedding, food supplies, diapers, and hygiene products. Only children and the elderly know how to rejoice in such simple gifts.

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1 November 2023

A big thank you to all the kind-hearted people who made it possible. When my kids grow up and find success, I’ll share stories of kindness and the beauty of living in Georgia among wonderful people!

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1 December 2023

Honestly, we didn’t want this day to come to an end. All the hugs and ‘thank yous’ that rightfully belong to you – our warm-hearted benefactors – we, the foundation staff, have received. And now, through photos and videos, we’re sharing them with you. It’s pure joy when you have the ability to ‘make’ someone happy. Thank you, friends! A huge thank you. The ‘Warm November’ campaign has come to an end. What do you think December has in store?

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30 January 2024

The Chernovetskyi Fund hosted a reception for philanthropists. “Kindness is contagious!” The Chernovetskyi Charity Fund expresses gratitude to all those people who made even a small contribution to help the beneficiaries of the Fund. It was such philanthropists (but not all of them) that the Fund hosted. During the event, they were awarded diplomas for their kindness and responsiveness. The children, too, expressed their gratitude. They prepared the best gift for philanthropists – drawings created with their little hands and big hearts.

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