Project reports Mommy, save us, we're on fire, Mommy... Saba is suffocating! Hurry up, he's dying...! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Mommy, save us, we're on fire, Mommy... Saba is suffocating! Hurry up, he's dying...!

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April 10, 2023
“Mommy, save us, we're on fire, Mommy... Saba is suffocating...” Anna could barely understand what was going on in her house. The crackle of wood, the ringing of shattered windows, the heat, the smoke, and the inhuman screams of her children! "Mom we're dying, mom we're already dead"... Anna ran out of the room and started looking for the children, Nika and Nino ran out of the house and 16-year-old Saba was lying in his bed calling for his mother...
Charity number:
$ 1,093.64
( 234 Donors )
Project completed!

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