Itonishvili Mary - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Itonishvili Mary

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March 13, 2018
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I wasn't always so old and ill...
Charity number:
$ 87.32
( 13 Donors )
Project completed!

"I wasn't always so old and ill... When I was young I adored reading books, I lived in the dreamland, I lived through the problems of heroes and sometimes fell in love with them... All my life I was waiting for a kind knight, but unfortunately I did not meet him".

Young Mary found a job after her own heart: she worked at the University library for many years. Everybody liked her for her kind and merry character. But all her fairy-tale life started to ruin as a sand castle when Mary's eyesight worsened.

Now she is an old, lonely and blind bedridden woman living her days in total darkness. She lives alone, and never gets up from her bed.

"I am still a dreamer in my soul. I mentally thumb through the books I read once. Before I would give a half of my life to read some new novel. And now I dream only of one thing: I am waiting for my kind neighbour to visit me, help me to drink a cup of hot tea and tell me what is going on in the world."

If you take this poor old lady under your care, you will give her hope that the world still has good knights. GOD IS WAITING FOR SYMPATHY FROM YOU, DEAR FRIENDS! IT WILL BE THE BEST PRESENT FOR HIM!