Rediko Pirosmanashvil - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Rediko Pirosmanashvil

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May 30, 2019
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Show mercy to my son, if I die soon he should live. I want it so much.
Charity number:
$ 10.45
( 7 Donors )
Project completed!

    My heart breaks with pain at the sight of these two very sick and very unhappy people: 80-year-old mother and her mentally ill son.  
    Only a heroic mother's love can survive such terrible torment. And not every woman is capable of such a feat! God help her! After all, every second of her life
is a desperate struggle with death. And if it were not for the son, Rediko, his mother, we think, would have appeared before God long ago!
   Friends, we can and must show compassion to this very kind woman. It is our Christian duty to take care of her, at least to make her life a little easier! As all human sufferings were not "invented" by God not to punish good people! These sufferings are given to the world for us: the healthy and the happy, so that we have the opportunity to prove to God that we are true believers and have Christian love for our neighbor! 
We talked to Rediko Pirosmanashvili and asked him to share his problems and experiences.
 – How do you manage to take care of a sick son in your old age? 
Rediko Pirosmanashvili: Every day it gets harder and harder for me, but he is my son! He has nobody but me. I'll take care of him for the rest of my life. Of course, I have no forces to do this, but apparently such is my fate and I must keep doing this till the very end. 
– How old is he now? 
Rediko Pirosmanashvili: My son is 51 years old. His name is Jemal. He suffers from a mental disorder. It's very hard to take care of him. He absolutely cannot take care of himself, he needs constant monitoring, so as not to hurt himself or fall out of the window, for example. That's how we live! It is time for me to die, but how will he live without me! If I die, he won't last long all alone! 
– And your husband died? 
Rediko Pirosmanashvili: Yes, he died in 2008. While he was alive, we used to take care for our son together. And now I'm totally alone...
 – where are you from? 
Rediko Pirosmanashvili: We come from Kakheti, Signagi Region. I am an economist by education, and my husband was an engineer. We worked at a collective farm in the village of Tibaani. But after our son got sick, we sold the house and moved to Tbilisi. The child needed constant medical supervision, and there was no such opportunity in the village. My husband started working as a taxi driver, so generally our finances were not bad. However, after his death, it became very difficult. I sold everything that was more or less valuable to provide Jemal with medicines and treatment. 
– What is your income and what do you spend it on? 
Rediko Pirosmanashvili:  – I receive a pension and a social allowance in the amount of 100 lari. Almost all the money goes to medicines for my son. In recent years, he also suffers from a trophic ulcer and almost half of his leg has turned black. Very often there is no money even for food. So we eat only bread with boiled water... 
– Do local authorities help you?
Rediko Pirosmanashvili: They've been helping lately. 2 times a year Gamgeoba allocates money for medicines; recently they bought us a gas stove; we also visit the canteen of the city hall. The Gamgeoba also pays our bills for electricity, water and gas in winter. So Gamgeoba helps and God will punish me if I say they do nothing.
– And the Deputy of your constituency, does he help? You can write him a letter, and we will certainly convey your voice to him.
 Rediko Pirosmanashvili: 5 years ago, I tried to reach the Deputy, but in vain. I already don't remember his surname... And now I don't even know who our Deputy is. I don't believe him, and I don't go to elections any more...
– And are you contented with the help of the Chernovetskyi Fund? 
Rediko Pirosmanashvili: I'm praying for you! My son and I are the beneficiaries of the "Home care" program of your Fund and are grateful for the help that you regularly provide us in the form of medical supervision and medicines. You know, I have a favorite icon of the Lord and every evening I pray to it for the health of the founder of your Fund, Leonid Chernovetskyi. I even have his picture at home. So I am very grateful to your Fund. You are real guardian angels for me and my son. 
– Thank you for your kind words. Tell me, what do you need most at the moment? 
Rediko Pirosmanashvili: Medicines and food. We don't have a washing machine or fridge. More precisely, we have but it does not work. Our apartment, as you can see, in a horrible state: the wallpaper is peeled; there is mold on the walls; the bathroom is out of order. But honestly, we can survive all this disorder, if only health did not let us down completely...
 –What can an 80-year-old mother whose sick son dream of?
Rediko Pirosmanashvili: Sometimes I am in despair, but I try to "banish" bad thoughts, try to hold on, not to cry and not to grieve. God will give me a few more years to live. This is my only dream. I don't want to die, I don't want to "leave" my poor son and I pray the Lord to have mercy on us sinners! 
Friends, this is how sad things are for these people, whose lives can end at any time. Whatever happens, we have to support them! Our help will have an extremely positive impact on their lives, health and state of mind. After all, the main thing for the mother and her son is to receive human warmth, to feel that they are not alone, that someone takes care of them from the heart! 
We should all remember that every Christian should help those around him. Our actions towards the close ones are especially valuable. Actions directed not towards our son or grandson, who we naturally love, but to the one who is in need. This is what counts for the Eternity!
Dear friends, you can as well visit them and help in person. The mother and the son will be happy and grateful to you! 
You can also donate money for them to buy medicines, food and household items. In our next post we will report to you about every tetri spent for the benefit of this family. 
Here is our account: GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Pirosmanashvili family). You can also transfer money from our website. 
You can as well transfer money from the terminals of Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in "Charity" section. (You can learn about the ways of payment by following the link
The Good is merciful to those who show mercy towards the others, and to those who do good things in His name!