Список поддержавших проект Why do others have toys and sweets, but I don’t? Am I a bad girl? - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Why do others have toys and sweets, but I don’t? Am I a bad girl?

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December 4, 2020
“I always behave well. I obey mom, and dad, and I do not offend dear God, but I have nothing. Mom says that we will be fine. I’ll have sweets and toys, but when, she does not know ... Do you know? Good children are supposed to have sweets,” baby Mariam babbles and looks intently into my eyes, as if into my soul! She looks at me in such a way as if the fate of her whole family depends on my answer.
Charity number:
$ 844.33
( 178 Donors )
Project completed!
year ago
$ 3.99
ერისთავი გიორგი
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$ 0.72
ბუკია ირაკლი
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$ 0.72
ჭითანავა ბექა
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$ 0.72
კალაძე გიორგი
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$ 0.36
კალაძე გიორგი
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$ 0.36

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