Список поддержавших проект Awful fat rats bite two babes! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Awful fat rats bite two babes!

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December 19, 2020
“They run around the room and bite! They are so scary! They bit my sister!” - 4-year-old baby Elene starts complaining as soon as she sees us. - Baby, and what are these rats like? “Oh, they are so big, as a human! - the baby spreads her arms. - Like you! One rat was going to take my sister away and eat her... When mommy did not let it to take my sister away it started to scream so scary!"
Charity number:
$ 2,482.81
( 303 Donors )
Project completed!
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$ 18.68
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$ 3.74
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$ 18.68
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