Project reports Lord, save my children from hunger... - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Lord, save my children from hunger...

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March 9, 2021
“It's so good that you came to visit us! - 6-year-old Tevdore runs out to meet me. - Please come another time too, okay? So that we have food and we can treat you! " “Mommy prepares yummies on a payday, - 9-year-old Anastasia explains to me. - But it happens rarely."
Charity number:
$ 706.17
( 139 Donors )
Project completed!

My kids are finally happy and full!


Meeting us at the entrance of her house, mother Lena glows with happiness! There is a sincere smile on her face instead of despair and fatigue, and her voice is full of immense gratitude: “I didn’t believe that so many people would transfer funds for us, I couldn’t imagine that there would be such a response to our misfortune!”

For sure, you remember how the family lived a few months ago. They lived just on the edge: in poverty, complete despair, thinking only about how to get at least some food. Leave alone other countless problems they had.

We told you this sad story in our post "Lord, save my children from hunger..." And now, thanks to you, friends, this story has a happy continuation!

The kids can't get enough of watching cartoons on the new big TV. And for mom, the washing machine has become a real salvation from the hard and exhausting hand wash for six people. But the most important thing is that the children are finally full, because now they have as much food as they have never had in their life, and they are happy to share the treat with those who come to visit them!

Friends, your generosity is invaluable! You lent a helping hand and instilled faith in those who suffered a lot. You made these children feel the taste of childhood, and you gave their parents the opportunity to gain strength and live on! And now they pray every day that your kindness will return to you a hundredfold!

Gabriel decided to make the pleasure last. What if the cookies run out quickly?!

- Lena, you smile, and this is wonderful! What has changed since we published a post about your family?

Lena: I cannot describe it in words what you have done for us! First, you saved me from a hellish work - I no longer have to wash with my hands.  It is very important to me.

There are six of us in our family, including three children, so every laundry was a real challenge to me. Basins all around... Now I have much more time - my torment finally ended! We managed to connect the washing machine to the barrel, and now everything is fine. Look at the children! I will never forget how their eyes shined when they brought gifts to us. They walked around the boxes for a long, long time and could not believe that now all this is ours. They have not watched so many cartoons in their entire life. I don't even know how I can thank you all! I have no words!

The boys stuck to the screen

- Just give vent to your feelings, and the words will come by themselves.

Lena: First of all, I want to say that I never expected such support and help. The times are hard for everyone, everyone is trying to stay afloat. If I only could, I would personally thank from the bottom of my heart everyone who took our sorrows to heart. You brought so much happiness to our house: I am overjoyed by my washing machine, and my children can finally watch cartoons and children's TV shows normally. An old TV was good for nothing - it was impossible to see anything on it. You made our life easier, you made my kids happier. Thanks to your support, now we can look at the world with new eyes!

- Lena, maybe someone of our readers is especially memorable to you?

Lena: One wonderful young man came to visit us, and he brought a mountain of food! There were cereals, pasta, condensed milk, sugar, meat, a whole tray of eggs, three chickens, you can't list everything! He was looking for us for a long time - he could hardly find us in our village. Imagine, it was on that day that I had quite a bit of flour left, and I divided it, trying to stretch it out for two days. And he brought us as much as 25 kilograms! I was simply taken aback of amazement; I was so confused that I even forgot to ask his name. He just unloaded everything and left immediately, saying that he had to get home before curfew. Dear, kindest person, if you read this post, you should know that I will never forget your kindness! May Lord reward you and your loved ones a hundredfold for everything you have done for our family!

- And what about the local authorities? Did they react in any way to our publication?

Lena: Well, I don’t want to talk about it, they hardly care about families like ours.

Lena: "I was relieved thanks to the washing machine - now I have so much free time."

"Do you remember - we have no running water - we bring water and store it in two-hundred-liter barrels."

- Lena, what does this help and support mean to you personally?

Lena: You know, it all happened so fast. I was in a depth of despair... I wrote to you out of despair, without much hope. And you called us so quickly, you came and then published our story so promptly. Everything was like a dream! I did not believe that so many people would transfer funds to us, I could not imagine that there would be such a response! It's like winning the jackpot! I could not believe for a long time that all this was happening to us; that my children are full, happy, and laughing.

Anastasia: You have brought us so many cookies! It's like in a store!

- Really? Did you like it?

Anastasia: Yes, of course! It’s my favorite - with coconut! How did you guess?

- We can guess wishes! We know everything about little girls and boys!

Anastasia: Great!!!

Lena: You should have seen Gabriel's eyes when your employee suggested him to unpack and try. He did not believe it, he asked me to make sure: "Can I really do it, Mom?" I have never seen him so happy. He pierced and tore the cellophane with his finger all glowing with joy! At first he was hesitating, and then he felt free. (Laughs.)

“It’s enough, Gabriel, give me the remote. Can you hear me, huh? " - asks Anastasia

- How did you share the TV? Well, who is watching what?

Anastasia: We haven't shared it yet. I like to watch films and TV shows, and the boys like watching cartoons. Well, we quarrel sometimes. Gabriel is watching it since morning.

It is so cool, you could only see a piece on the old TV, and here is such a huge picture!

An old TV showed just a piece of the picture 

- Lena, we are very happy that we managed to make your life easier. But I suppose that there are still a lot of problems left that you still need help solving?

Lena: I didn't even expect the help I’ve got. How can I ask for anything else? Finally, I became able to breathe freely... Today our main problem is that we don’t have a gas stove. The wood-burning stove went out of order, and the old gas stove was about to explode. Now I make a fire right on the ground in the yard, and I cook like that. I dare not even dream of a full-scale gas stove, I would like to have even a small, tabletop one. A bread maker would be a huge help. The price of bread has risen so much, and it is much cheaper to bake it at home. Well, here I’m complaining again, but I don’t want to! From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank everyone who took even a penny from their family and transferred it to me for my children! Believe me, this is priceless! God knows, I pray every day for your kindness to be rewarded a hundredfold!


What you have done for this kind Georgian family is priceless, friends. You gave them joy! Thanks to your generosity Lena, a mother of a big family, started believing again in human kindness, and the children are happy and smiling. But unfortunately, their problems did not end there, they still need our support. Probably, many of us find it difficult even to imagine how it feels like to cook food on a fire, carry water from neighbors and think that daily bread can run out soon and there will be no money to buy it. It is in our power to make their life easier, to make sure that the smile on the faces of these lovely children does not fade away!

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.

Our problems are noting if compared... Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now... Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

 Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Kheladze family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under "Charity" section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

We have good news! Now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

  Even if you dial once  0901 200 270, it might save someone's life. God bless you!

Let's believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

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