Project reports "Ouuu, ouuu" means "help me mommy" - that's what the most beautiful eyes in the world say! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

"Ouuu, ouuu" means "help me mommy" - that's what the most beautiful eyes in the world say!

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March 29, 2022
Little Zaliko is writhing on the couch while his mom greets us. "Whoo!" - he cries in a plaintive voice. "He wants me to take him in my arms", - his mom says. “Whoo”, - the baby keeps whimpering. “This auntie came to see you - she wants to see what a handsome boy you are.” - “Whoo!” -Zaliko replies loudly, in his mother's arms. “Sure”, - his mom responds.
Charity number:
$ 1,519.2
( 329 Donors )
Project completed!

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