"By the end of the month we have nothing left but to eat stale bread. They have no one else to address for help! Mother Irina and her seriously ill son ask for your help - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

"By the end of the month we have nothing left but to eat stale bread. They have no one else to address for help! Mother Irina and her seriously ill son ask for your help

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August 4, 2022
He is 17 but he can’t do anything without his mom. When he is hungry, he squeezes his mommy’s hand and leads her to the kitchen. “It was so cute when he was two years old. And now it is so bitter to look at ... "
Charity number:
$ 1,757.5
( 351 Donors )
Project completed!
"By the end of the month we have nothing left but to eat stale bread. They have no one else to address for help! Mother Irina and her seriously ill son ask for your help
He is 17 but he can’t do anything without his mom. When he is hungry, he squeezes his mommy’s hand and leads her to the kitchen. “It was so cute when he was two years old. And now it is so bitter to look at ... " 
Irina: Nothing has changed for me for 17 years. It's like I'm living the same day. Get up, feed him, dress him, wash him, change his diapers, take him out for a walk, feed him, change his clothes, bathe him, put him to bed, pray and fall asleep next to him- that's my entire life. I can't leave my son for a minute. Even for a minute! 
- Have you been alone for a long time? 
Irina: No. My husband left us three years ago. This was his initiative. I can't say that he left us because of his son's illness. But I can't give you the exact reason either. 
“My son is the eternal baby”
How did he treat Tamaz when he was born? 
Irina: Fine. He helped me take care of him. My father-in-law loved my Tamazik the most. He adored him, he did everything for him. We also went to clinics in Tbilisi. I may safely say that the fact that Tamaz can move independently now is a merit of my father-in-law. 
– How did you feel when you were left alone with Tamaz? 
Irina: My husband paid our rent for three months, and that's it. After that, I wander around in different apartments. We've been living here for almost a year now. Our landlady is so sweet and kind. She does not raise our rent and does not kick us out if I am late with payment. The previous owners did not forgive us even one day of delay - they immediately kicked us out. Can you imagine what it feels like for a sick child who can't even walk well to end up in the street? 
How can Tamaz be kicked out into the street? Would you do that? 
I see that your living conditions are good, and you have all the necessary appliances. 
Irina: Do you know how it happens in Georgia? A complete stranger can do much more good for you than your closest acquaintance. I thank God that He sent us this kindest woman. She left us everything, even the TV, when she saw how my boy rejoices, listening to songs, how he sings along. This is his only consolation. 
- May God make everyone meet such a person on his way! Irina, how do you manage to pay rent and buy diapers and food? 
Irina: Our income is 170 lari of allowance and 275 lari of my son's pension. So, count yourself. He is already an adult - I can’t leave him without diapers. This is a disaster for him. We need three packs a month. Each pack costs 40 GEL. You have also pay for utilities, so 150 GEL per month remains for food. Is it possible to feed a child with this money? Tamaz is hungry all the time. 
When Tamaz is hungry, he leads his mom to the kitchen holding her by hand 
How does he let you know he’s hungry? 
Irina: He never uttered even a word. When he is hungry, he crawls to the table, takes a spoon and brings it to me. Or he takes my hands and drags me into the kitchen. It repeats several times a day. How to explain to him that he must eat less? He doesn't understand anything. It's also good that they give him sedatives for free. When he gets sick or his temperature goes up, I cannot always buy antipyretics for him. 
By the end of month when the allowance is completely spent, poor Tamaz eats just bread 
Is there anyone you can address in a hard time? Friends or relatives? 
Irina: In the hardest moments, strangers stand next to me. My neighbors, or people who just know about my misfortune. Even in the store sometimes they give me something for free. I addressed your Fund, just because I believe in the kindness of strangers. 
You can’t even imagine how many good people will respond. What do you need first of all, how can they support you? 
Irina: First of all, we need diapers and then groceries. If I can save money on that, the pension will be probably enough for us. My another big dream is a TV set. One that our landlady lent us is old and it sometimes does not work. I will be immensely grateful if you do it for my son. 
“My entire life belongs only to my son. This is a lot of mothers of disabled children” 
- The entire Georgia will hear you! 
Irina: May I also address mothers who raise their disabled children alone? Girls, it’s very hard, but hold on. Pull yourself together and cry all your tears in one go. Believe me, you won't have time for this anymore. Accept it with humility and carry your cross. Thank God for every day spent next to your child. They have no one but you! Please be strong. 
“We are responsible for our children, no matter what they are” 
Only moms can do such heroic acts. Only they can carry a child in their arms for 17 years without uttering a word of discontent. Only they can thank God for every minute spent with a child. You can't leave these mothers alone! 
Friends let's unite as always and help Irina and Tamaz. Let's not leave this heroic mother to the mercy of fate. Now they need our help, as a thirsty person needs water! 
You will make Irina very happy if you can visit her and support her family. They just need food and diapers, and the rest is up to you! 
If anyone is willing to visit and help them in person, here is their address:  Zeatponi, Kvaliti, 23 Shatirashvili Str. 
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone's prayers through you! 
We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death. 
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important! 
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at: office-fsp@fsp.ge. 
Our Fund’s accounts are: 
(purpose: The Peradze family) 
You can also transfer money from our website. 
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under "Charity" section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link https://goo.gl/GY2Gus). 
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable! 
We have good news for you - now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chernovetskyi.fund/ and Telegram: https://t.me/ChernovetskyiFund. 
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone's life: 0901200270! God bless you! 

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