Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

The happiest girl on Earth is speaking to you!

The happiest girl on Earth is speaking to you!

Birthday: 18.08.2011
$ 213.17
(Donors: 41)

The happiest girl on Earth is speaking to you!

Smile, friends! It was you who made little Barbare happy! Her smile is addressed to you personally! When I dreamed of a tablet, I thought it would be old, with a cracked screen and scratches. I thought it would work poorly. But when they brought me something new, packaged in a box, I couldn't believe my eyes! It's so great that you brought my brothers and sisters lots of toys, otherwise they wouldn't have let me even hold a tablet in my hands. They would have taken it away and started watching cartoons.  Thank you, thank you for the happiness!