Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

The dreams of a lonely grandmother with a sick grandson have come true!

The dreams of a lonely grandmother with a sick grandson have come true!

Birthday: 09.09.1942
$ 543.88
(Donors: 81)

The dreams of a lonely grandmother with a sick grandson have come true!

Malardo: God hears my prayers! Not a single prayer is lost in the heavens! My day begins and ends with prayers for all of you—people I don't even know. What have you done, my dear ones? How did you do it?  You took these funds from your family budget and gave them to my unfortunate grandson? It was so hard for me to change and feed him on that old, dilapidated couch! I couldn't even imagine that there are special beds for bedridden patients. Now it's comfortable for both of us, and he is not in pain! 

My poor boy. He is only 24 years old and has been bedridden since birth. He suffers from severe cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Sometimes his seizures last for hours, and after each episode, I can barely bring him back to consciousness.  His parents abandoned him and found their happiness elsewhere. His mother and father started a new family and had other children, leaving poor Soso to his fate. He is only needed by me; he wouldn't survive a day without me.  But it turns out, my dear ones, that he is needed by you too! Sometimes, complete strangers become closer than a mother and father...