Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

How can a blind person understand that they are beautiful? Only by believing others!

How can a blind person understand that they are beautiful? Only by believing others!

Birthday: 28.12.2012
$ 95.7
(Donors: 10)

How can a blind person understand that they are beautiful? Only by believing others!

Magda: People tell me that I'm a beautiful girl, but I can't see myself. However, I never believe those words. I always wonder, how do others see me? Maybe I am truly beautiful? I often think about it.

I'm different from others, but I have ordinary, childish dreams, I guess. One of my big dreams is to visit an amusement park. Once I rode on carousels, and it was an indescribable feeling. I also dream of visiting an observatory and seeing the stars I've only heard about in YouTube videos. I'm not sure if I'll be able to see them, but I want to try. They say that looking at the sky when it's dark is pure joy. And I also wish to have my own trampoline. Those are all my dreams.

Oh, there's one more dream! which is probably impossible. There's a TV show called "Perfect Mother," and there's a character named Maka. I adore her. (Maka is portrayed by actress Iako Chilaia. Here's the link to her profile on Facebook .) If only I could tell her how much I love her, it would also make my wish come true.