Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

No one dares to call me a ragamuffin!

No one dares to call me a ragamuffin!

Birthday: 26.12.2012
$ 181.28
(Donors: 80)

No one dares to call me a ragamuffin!

Let's smile, my friends! It's because of all of you that little Mari is filled with happiness! Her smile is meant just for you!

Mari: After you came to us, our lives changed!  Kind people brought us clothes, groceries... we completely forgot what hunger was. But what you did for me - it's incredible! I never even thought of dreaming about a tablet!  Well, maybe those dreams about a tablet were hiding somewhere... but very far away!  Now, my family and I have everything we could dream of. And I know that we won't live as we did before! Thank you so much for not letting us die!