Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

All the children of Darejan Iordanidze spoke together, thanked together, and squealed with happiness togethe

All the children of Darejan Iordanidze spoke together, thanked together, and squealed with happiness togethe

$ 283.31
(Donors: 10)

“Do you know what my sisters and I want most of all? Well, except for chocolate, of course. So that we have new sneakers and warm tracksuits for the outside. Now we wear the same clothes at home and outside. Do you see our shoes - they are torn and ugly? And they are cold as well. And we don’t have warm tracksuits at all. Tell Santa that we love him very much and will be waiting for gifts!”- eight-year-old Ilya says.