Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I was embarrassed to dream. But you made my dreams come true and extended my life for a few more years, I swear!

I was embarrassed to dream. But you made my dreams come true and extended my life for a few more years, I swear!

$ 473.36
(Donors: 97)

When you asked me what I dreamed about, I laughed. It was a laughter of bitterness, disappointment, and powerlessness. Dream? I survive every day, what dreams are you talking about?! I am a realist, and my main need is food, medications, and diapers -everything that makes my daily torment easier. Well, I was embarrassed to dream. I thought no one cared about my dreams.No matter that there was no water heater, and my bathing was a torture for me, my sick wife, and her mother, dying of cancer.No matter that my mobile phone was broken, and I was not able to call the ambulance if I felt very bad. 

I was really mistaken...The Fund put the best people together and they made my dreams come true.You extended my life for a few more years, I swear! I thank God that you appeared in my life, otherwise it would have turned into real hell on earth. You are my guardian angels! I think I have not lived in vain since I have earned such love from you! Thank you, my dear ones!