Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

For the first time in the last few years, I had a chance to recall the taste of fresh milk and meat!

For the first time in the last few years, I had a chance to recall the taste of fresh milk and meat!

$ 300.34
(Donors: 57)
I dream of living at least a few days like ordinary people and not like a homeless dog.

Manana: Sometimes it seems to me that my entire life was one big problem. Sickness, loss, poverty... Look around, you see where I live, there is not even a road here, if something bad happens to me, no one knows when they would find me. So, I am waiting for my death: I will die either from hunger or from pain. Everything hurts me so much... sometimes I think, it is cancer that is eating me up, and I can’t even go to the doctor and get checked. Soon I will give up - I will lie and wait for my death!

- It is so sad... when did you feel good? When did you feel happy? When was the last time you dreamed of something good?

Manana: I once had a family, had hopes and dreams, and certainly, I never imagined my old age like that. We lived in great need, but we somehow survived. Despite the difficult nature of my husband, we were a family, weraised our children. But it felt as the ground was gone from under my feet when he died, and after that I never felt good again.

- What are you dreaming about right now?

Manana: I dream of living a few days like a normal person. to have food and medications. If I lived in normal conditions, I probably wouldn’t be able to dream of much there either.