Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

It feels like the Fund gave us caring parents, a family where we are loved...

It feels like the Fund gave us caring parents, a family where we are loved...

$ 250.78
(Donors: 30)
If only all mothers had such sons!!! But his fate is so bitter: an old and sick son has been carrying his 97-year-old mother in his arms for many years! Who can imagine such a son?!       Let's lens him our helping hands! Because this is not just his mother - she is a woman of God who deserved such a son with her love!

Galaktion: My mother is 97 years old. She doesn't get out of bed, she can't eat on her own. My wife died one year ago. She was bedridden for many years. I looked after her, and my mother helped me with this. She helped me morally, supported me. My mom hasn't gotten up since the day my wife died. I'm embarrassed to say that it's very hard for us - I am not used to beg for alms and wait for help from strangers, but what else to do when there no other way out? I can’t work, and it’s simply impossible to provide a bedridden person with just pension.

- You probably would never even imagine that something like this could happen to you.

Galaktion: Oh, what are you talking about! I was one of the most cheerful optimists, the happiest man. I had everything! I had the most wonderful parents, the most beautiful and kind wife, the job that I loved, home, friends... but then everything collapsed! Like a house of cards. My wife got sick, we sold our house, I lost my job - I had to take care of her. My father died, my mother fell ill, and I became a nurse for my beloved girls.

- It is so hard to go through that...

Galaktion: It is not hard physically, but it destroys you mentally. I'm alive, but I'm dead inside. I would beg for alms, if only my mother had medications, diapers, and food. I can live without all this - but my mother can’t.

- You said you were the most cheerful person. Is anything left of the old Galaktion?

Galaktion: I can joke, say that everything will be fine, smile, but this is all only outwardly. My heart, my soul is crying all the time.

- What can we do to make your soul smile even for a second?

Galaktion: if you can help us with groceries and diapers, I will be just happy. I don't need anything else - honestly!