Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Now I run faster and don't have to beg for a bike to ride it for 5 minutes!

Now I run faster and don't have to beg for a bike to ride it for 5 minutes!

$ 462.34
(Donors: 150)
I dream that I have a football kit and a computer!

Nika: The only place where I feel like a normal person is the Internet. Nothing is forbidden for me there. Like other children, I can read everything I want, watch everything I want, and no one will say that I can’t, because my mother and dad have no money. 

- Do you love studying so much?

Nika: Yes! I know that you need to study well to make money. And I really need money to support my brothers. And I will buy beautiful dresses and jewelry for my sister and mother. 

  • What else do you need besides the computer?

Nika: First of all, of course, expensive medications for my poor sick brother. And my “medications” are a beautiful tracksuit for me, comfortable sneakers, and the ball so that I can play football with boys. They do not accept me otherwise. It hurts me so much, to be honest!